Description: Synopsis: Nick Fury, former director of the now-defunct S.H.I.E.L.D, has gathered a special handpicked team. Young and untested, the Secret Warriors are the offspring of the most powerful forces on Earth...and with Fury's guidance, they might just have what it takes to save the world. But their mission is upended when Fury uncovers a bombshell Hydra conspiracy that reaches back for decades, to the very beginnings of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Doesn't that sound interesting? Now you can get these and say you're going to read them, but we know you never will. Just put them in a box, out of sight, out of mind. See pictures for details as what you see is what you get. Zoom in on pictures to inspect for condition. Please buy these and get them out of my house so my wife stops yelling at me about all my “clutter.“ Ships quickly and securely. For listings with multiple books in the lot, comics do not come individually bagged and boarded. I place 5-6 books in a single bag placed front to back to avoid spine damage. Everything is then wrapped in cardboard. I am a collector myself so I take great care in shipping and have found this to be the most secure and cost effective way to ship books. Single comic purchases will of course come bagged and boarded. For this price, you can’t beat it with a tire iron! Be sure to check out my store and my other listings for some phenomenal, mind-bending collectible bargains!
Price: 59.99 USD
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Item Specifics
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Unit of Sale: Comic Book Lot
Artist/Writer: Brian Michael Bendis, Jonathan Hickman
Character: Nick Fury
Tradition: US Comics
Series Title: Secret Warriors
Universe: Marvel (MCU)
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publication Year: 2009
Type: Comic Book
Language: English
Issue Number: 1-28
Era: Modern Age (1992-Now)
Style: Color
Features: Complete Series, Set
Genre: Action, Adventure, Superheroes