Description: Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic by Stephen Skowronek, John A. Dearborn, Desmond King "First issued as an Oxford University Press paperback 2022." FORMAT Hardcover LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Publisher Description A powerful dissection of one of the fundamental problems in American governance today: the clash between presidents determined to redirect the nation through ever-tighter control of administration and an executive branch still organized to promote shared interests in steady hands, due deliberation, and expertise.President Trump pitted himself repeatedly against the institutions and personnel of the executive branch. In theprocess, two once-obscure concepts came center stage in an eerie faceoff. On one side was the specter of a "Deep State" conspiracy--administrators threatening to thwart the will of the people and undercut theconstitutional authority of the president they elected to lead them. On the other side was a raw personalization of presidential power, one that a theory of "the unitary executive" gussied up and allowed to run roughshod over reason and the rule of law. The Deep State and the unitary executive framed every major contest of the Trump presidency. Like phantom twins, they drew each other out.These conflicts are not new. Stephen Skowronek, John A. Dearborn, and Desmond Kingtrace the tensions between presidential power and the depth of the American state back through the decades and forward through the various settlements arrived at in previous eras. Phantoms of aBeleaguered Republic is about the breakdown of settlements and the abiding vulnerabilities of a Constitution that gave scant attention to administrative power. Rather than simply dump on Trump, the authors provide a richly historical perspective on the conflicts that rocked his presidency, and they explain why, if left untamed, the phantom twins will continue to pull the American government apart. Now, in this expanded paperback edition, they address the tumultuous Trump-Bidentransition and reflect more broadly on the problems of presidential democracy in America today. Author Biography Stephen Skowronek is Pelatiah Perit Professor of Political Science and Professor in the Institution for Social and Policy Studies at Yale University. He is the author of The Policy State: An American Predicament (2017, with Karen Orren), Building a New American State: The Expansion of National Administrative Capacities, 1877-1920 (1982), The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to Bill Clinton, (1997),The Search for American Political Development (2004, with Karen Orren), and Presidential Leadership in Political Time: Reprise and Reappraisal (third edition 2020). Among other activities, he was co-founder of the journal Studies in AmericanPolitical Development, which he edited between 1986 and 2007, and he provided the episode structure and thematic content for the PBS miniseries entitled The American President (Kunhardt Productions).John A. Dearborn is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and the Carolyn T. and Robert M. Rogers Deans Faculty Fellow at Vanderbilt University. He is the author of Power Shifts: Congress and Presidential Representation (2021). He received the 2020 George C. Edwards III Award for Best Dissertation on Executive Politics as well as the 2020 E. E. Schattschneider Award for Best Dissertation on American Government from the American Political Science Association.Desmond King is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of American Government at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford. He works on racial inequality and the American state, and his publications include Making Americans: Immigration, Race and the Origins of the Diverse Democracy (2000), Separate and Unequal: African Americans and the US Federal Government (2007), The Unsustainable American State (2009, with Lawrence Jacobs),Still a House Divided: Race and Politics in Obamas America (2011, with Rogers M Smith), and Fed Power: How Finance Wins (2016, with Lawrence R Jacobs). He is a Fellow of the Academia European, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the BritishAcademy and the National Academy of Social Insurance. Table of Contents PrefaceNew Foreword for the Paperback EditionI: THE DEEP STATE AND THE UNITARY EXECUTIVE1. Push Comes to Shove2. Weak State, Strong State, Deep State3. The Unitary Executive4. Republican RemediesII: PHANTOMS UNLEASHEDIntroduction5. Depth in Staff6. Depth in Norms7. Depth in Knowledge8. Depth in Appointment9. Depth in OversightIII. Epilogue10. A Reckoning with DepthAfterwordNotesIndex Review "In this short, beautifully crafted, probing book, Stephen Skowronek, John Dearborn, and Desmond King bypass the crowded waters of constitutional interpretation and wade, instead, into those of political conflict and institutional design. So doing, they expose how the Unitary Executive Theory has burrowed into the administrative state and refashioned the terms of bureaucratic politics and contestation." -- William Howell, New Rambler"Theres much to love about this book...At its core, Phantoms is part of a growing list of books with a first crack at the Trump legacy. Yet rather than look to the more bombastic elements of social media Trump, they zero-in on administrative Trump, the Trump who sat atop nearly 2 million federal workers.... More readable, big books should be written like this one. They stimulate big conversations and, we can hope, big solutions to big problems." --Heath Brown, 3 Streams"Phantoms brings a scholarly rigor to help understand the fever-dream notion of a Deep State and recent advances of the unitary executive theory. This is an invaluable assessment of the legal and political forces trying to radically transform our government." -- US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island)"This nuanced interrogation of competing conceptions of American governmentDLa Deep State based on a dense administrative apparatus transcending party and presidential administrations, and a unitary executive charting a direct relationship between president and peopleDLcombines theoretical clarity with uncommon learning. Written with cool reason, yet urgently, about a profound political conundrum, the books quest for common ground offers a valuable act ofdemocratic guardianship." -- Ira Katznelson, Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History, Columbia University"This pathbreaking book elucidates the competing, interconnected pulls of the unitary executive and the Deep State in American political development. By training on their juncture, Phantoms unravels the implications of these powerful ideas for how our federal government functionsDLand its profound and wrenching dysfunctions." -- Daphna Renan, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School"Phantoms is a compelling account of a regime in distress. The authors deliver stunning insights into the excruciating stresses between presidential ambitions to singular executive power and a deep state capable of good governance but prone to hubris. Their conclusion that avoiding the complete loss of the value of depth requires systematic reimagining of institutional designs and relationships deserves the attention of all friends of the Americanrepublic." -- Brian J. Cook, author of The Fourth Branch: Reconstructing the Administrative State for the Commercial Republic"Skowronek, Dearborn, and King offer a brilliant analysis of the confrontation between the Deep State and the unitary executive. Frictions between the president and the federal bureaucracy came to a head under Trump, but they predated his presidency and will remain a hallmark of American politics. Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic isÂessential reading for understanding how the entrenched tensions between effective administration and politicalaccountability emerged and why they will persist." -- Margaret Weir, Wilson Professor of International and Public Affairs and Political Science, Brown University"This book shows how Donald Trumps attacks on the Deep State laid bare a profound tension that pre-dated Trump and will survive him. Americans now expect presidents to guide all their governance. They also demand a nonpartisan, professional administrative state. Neither is truly possibleDLso seeking to have both spurs a battle of phantoms that the nation needs to move beyond." -- Rogers M. Smith, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of PoliticalScience, University of Pennsylvania"Donald Trumps rants against the deep state differed in degree but not in kind from his predecessors complaints about the difficulty any chief executive has in directing the executive branch. Taking seriously arguments too often reduced to partisan caricature, this book masterfully traces the historical tension between bureaucratic accountability and independent expertise. In so doing the authors tee up a new agenda for the study of executive governance -and write a field guide for presidents hoping to close the gap between good politics and enlightened administration." -- Andrew Rudalevige, Thomas Brackett Reed Professor of Government, Bowdoin College"In the best study of the Trump administrations executive actions to date, Phantoms of the Beleaguered Republic makes clear that Trumps war on expertise is more than a cult of personality; it is a reckoning in the long struggle to command a large and complex state that determines how fundamental American values are interpreted and enforced. Thoroughly researched and well-written, this book is a must read for those who want to understand just how muchis at stake in the contest between defenders of a unitary executive and the champions of bureaucratic independence." -- Sidney M. Milkis, White Burkett Miller Professor of Governance and Foreign Affairs,University of Virginia"Blending grand historical sweep with meticulous political analysis, this is a wise and illuminating look at the deep roots of our contemporary predicament. From the perpetual tension between the Deep State and the unitary executive, Skowronek, Dearborn, and King fashion an important new interpretation of American political development." -- Robert C. Lieberman, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University Promotional A concise and accessible argument that tensions between the "Deep State" and "the unitary executive" are built into the structure of American government and are likely to bedevil presidential politics long into the future. Long Description A powerful dissection of one of the fundamental problems in American governance today: the clash between presidents determined to redirect the nation through ever-tighter control of administration and an executive branch still organized to promote shared interests in steady hands, due deliberation, and expertise.As the nations chief executive, Donald Trump pitted himself repeatedly against the institutions and personnel of theexecutive branch. In the process, two once-obscure concepts came center stage in an eerie faceoff. On one side was the specter of a "Deep State" conspiracy-administrators threatening to thwart the will of the peopleand undercut the constitutional authority of the president they elected to lead them. On the other side was a raw personalization of presidential power, one that a theory of "the unitary executive" gussied up and allowed to run roughshod over reason and the rule of law. The Deep State and the unitary executive framed every major contest of the Trump presidency. Like phantom twins, they drew each other out and wrestled to light basic issues of governance long suppressed.Though this conflict reached a fever pitch during the Trump presidency, it is not new. Stephen Skowronek, John A. Dearborn, and Desmond King trace the tensions between presidential power and the depth ofthe American state back through the decades and forward through the various settlements arrived at in previous eras. Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic is about the breakdown of settlements and the abiding vulnerabilities of a Constitution that gave scant attention to administrative power. Rather than simply dump on Trump, the authors provide a richly historical perspective on the conflicts that rocked his presidency, and they explain why, if left untamed, the phantom twins will continue topull the American government apart. Review Text "Phantoms brings a scholarly rigor to help understand the fever-dream notion of a Deep State and recent advances of the unitary executive theory. This is an invaluable assessment of the legal and political forces trying to radically transform our government." -- US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island)"This nuanced interrogation of competing conceptions of American governmentDLa Deep State based on a dense administrative apparatus transcending party and presidential administrations, and a unitary executive charting a direct relationship between president and peopleDLcombines theoretical clarity with uncommon learning. Written with cool reason, yet urgently, about a profound political conundrum, the books quest for common ground offers a valuable act ofdemocratic guardianship." -- Ira Katznelson, Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History, Columbia University"This pathbreaking book elucidates the competing, interconnected pulls of the unitary executive and the Deep State in American political development. By training on their juncture, Phantoms unravels the implications of these powerful ideas for how our federal government functionsDLand its profound and wrenching dysfunctions." -- Daphna Renan, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School"Phantoms is a compelling account of a regime in distress. The authors deliver stunning insights into the excruciating stresses between presidential ambitions to singular executive power and a deep state capable of good governance but prone to hubris. Their conclusion that avoiding the complete loss of the value of depth requires systematic reimagining of institutional designs and relationships deserves the attention of all friends of the Americanrepublic." -- Brian J. Cook, author of The Fourth Branch: Reconstructing the Administrative State for the Commercial Republic"Skowronek, Dearborn, and King offer a brilliant analysis of the confrontation between the Deep State and the unitary executive. Frictions between the president and the federal bureaucracy came to a head under Trump, but they predated his presidency and will remain a hallmark of American politics. Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic is Review Quote "Phantoms brings a scholarly rigor to help understand the fever-dream notion of a Deep State and recent advances of the unitary executive theory. This is an invaluable assessment of the legal and political forces trying to radically transform our government." -- US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island) "This nuanced interrogation of competing conceptions of American governmenta Deep State based on a dense administrative apparatus transcending party and presidential administrations, and a unitary executive charting a direct relationship between president and peoplecombines theoretical clarity with uncommon learning. Written with cool reason, yet urgently, about a profound political conundrum, the books quest for common ground offers a valuable act of democratic guardianship." -- Ira Katznelson, Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History, Columbia University "This pathbreaking book elucidates the competing, interconnected pulls of the unitary executive and the Deep State in American political development. By training on their juncture, Phantoms unravels the implications of these powerful ideas for how our federal government functionsand its profound and wrenching dysfunctions." -- Daphna Renan, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School "Phantoms is a compelling account of a regime in distress. The authors deliver stunning insights into the excruciating stresses between presidential ambitions to singular executive power and a deep state capable of good governance but prone to hubris. Their conclusion that avoiding the complete loss of the value of depth requires systematic reimagining of institutional designs and relationships deserves the attention of all friends of the American republic." -- Brian J. Cook, author of The Fourth Branch: Reconstructing the Administrative State for the Commercial Republic "Skowronek, Dearborn, and King offer a brilliant analysis of the confrontation between the Deep State and the unitary executive. Frictions between the president and the federal bureaucracy came to a head under Trump, but they predated his presidency and will remain a hallmark of American politics. Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic isessential reading for understanding how the entrenched tensions between effective administration and political accountability emerged and why they will persist." -- Margaret Weir, Wilson Professor of International and Public Affairs and Political Science, Brown University "This book shows how Donald Trumps attacks on the Deep State laid bare a profound tension that pre-dated Trump and will survive him. Americans now expect presidents to guide all their governance. They also demand a nonpartisan, professional administrative state. Neither is truly possibleso seeking to have both spurs a battle of phantoms that the nation needs to move beyond." -- Rogers M. Smith, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania "Donald Trumps rants against the deep state differed in degree but not in kind from his predecessors complaints about the difficulty any chief executive has in directing the executive branch. Taking seriously arguments too often reduced to partisan caricature, this book masterfully traces the historical tension between bureaucratic accountability and independent expertise. In so doing the authors tee up a new agenda for the study of executive governance - and write a field guide for presidents hoping to close the gap between good politics and enlightened administration." -- Andrew Rudalevige, Thomas Brackett Reed Professor of Government, Bowdoin College "In the best study of the Trump administrations executive actions to date, Phantoms of the Beleaguered Republic makes clear that Trumps war on expertise is more than a cult of personality; it is a reckoning in the long struggle to command a large and complex state that determines how fundamental American values are interpreted and enforced. Thoroughly researched and well-written, this book is a must read for those who want to understand just how much is at stake in the contest between defenders of a unitary executive and the champions of bureaucratic independence." -- Sidney M. Milkis, White Burkett Miller Professor of Governance and Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia "Blending grand historical sweep with meticulous political analysis, this is a wise and illuminating look at the deep roots of our contemporary predicament. From the perpetual tension between the Deep State and the unitary executive, Skowronek, Dearborn, and King fashion an important new interpretation of American political development." -- Robert C. Lieberman, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University Feature Selling point: Anchors the conflict between the "Deep State" and "the unitary executive" in the design and development of the American republicSelling point: Situates the struggles of Trumps administration in a systemic perspectiveSelling point: Provides a profound structural explanation of why American politics has become so dysfunctional New Feature Preface I: THE DEEP STATE AND THE UNITARY EXECUTIVE 1. Push Comes to Shove 2. Weak State, Strong State, Deep State 3. The Unitary Executive 4. Republican Remedies II: PHANTOMS UNLEASHED Introduction 5. Depth in Staff 6. Depth in Norms 7. Depth in Knowledge 8. Depth in Appointment 9. Depth in Oversight III. Epilogue 10. A Reckoning with Depth Notes Index Details ISBN0197543081 Author Desmond King Short Title Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic Language English Year 2021 ISBN-10 0197543081 ISBN-13 9780197543085 Format Hardcover Imprint Oxford University Press Inc Place of Publication New York Country of Publication United States NZ Release Date 2021-08-21 US Release Date 2021-08-21 UK Release Date 2021-08-21 Illustrator Tim Archbold Birth 1953 Affiliation Barrister, No5 Chambers Position Professor of Psychiatry and Director, Addiction Programs Qualifications MD, FACP, FAAHPM Publisher Oxford University Press Inc Publication Date 2021-08-21 Subtitle The Deep State and The Unitary Executive Alternative 9780197656945 DEWEY 973.933092 Audience Professional & Vocational AU Release Date 2021-08-11 Pages 304 We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. 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ISBN-13: 9780197543085
Book Title: Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic
Number of Pages: 272 Pages
Language: English
Publication Name: Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic: the Deep State and the Unitary Executive
Publisher: Oxford University Press Inc
Publication Year: 2021
Subject: Government, Politics
Item Height: 216 mm
Item Weight: 446 g
Type: Textbook
Author: Stephen Skowronek, Desmond King, John A. Dearborn
Subject Area: Political Sociology, Political Science
Item Width: 148 mm
Format: Hardcover