Description: Over 300 books on agriculture in English, PDF on DVD Collection of books on agriculture in English Genre: Scientific literature Format: PDF Quality: eBook (originally computer) Description: The presented books are arranged in folders by topic: Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Engineering Technology, Agricultural Genetics, Agriculture Research, Animal Agriculture, Beekeeping, Biotechnology & Renewable Energy, Business in Agriculture, Cultures, Ecology, Foods, Forest, History of Agriculture, Management in Agriculture, Meteorology, Mushrooms, Organic Agriculture, Pesticides, Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Soil, Sustainable Agriculture, Weed. Each file is a high quality e-book. The material is mainly related to agronomy. Agriculture 3.79 GB Agricultural Chemistry 45.17 MB Agriculture and the Nitrogen Cycle - Assessing the Impacts of Fertilizer Use on Food Production and the Environment.pdf 3.08 MB 3239067 Inositol Phosphates - Linking Agriculture and the Environment.pdf 6.17 MB 6470071 Nitrogen Fixation and Metabolism in Soybean Plants.pdf 4.08 MB 4282318 Nitrogen Fixation in Agriculture, Forestry, Ecology, and the Environment.pdf 3.83 MB 4018495 Nitrogen-fixing Leguminous Symbioses.pdf 5.10 MB 5357084 Plant Analysis Procedures.pdf 1007.72 KB 1031908 The Use of Nutrients in Crop Plants.pdf 7.24 MB 7599822 Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility - Concepts and Research Methods.pdf 14.66 MB 15373079 Agricultural Engineering Technology 7.27 MB Introduction to Agricultural Engineering Technology - A Problem Solving Approach.pdf 7.27 MB 7629379 Agricultural Genetics 222.47 MB Accessing and Sharing the Benefits of the Genomics Revolution.pdf 1.46 MB 1539148 Advances in Genetics, Genomics and Control of Rice Blast Disease.pdf 15.47 MB 16225567 Agricultural Values of Plant Genetic Resources.pdf 1.23 MB 1295100 Broadening the Genetic Base of Crop Production.pdf 2.55 MB 2684135 Cereal Genomics.pdf 3.93 MB 4125148 Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants.pdf 58.20 MB 61027825 Flow Cytometry with Plant Cells - Analysis of Genes, Chromosomes and Genomes.pdf 7.92 MB 8313090 Flower Breeding and Genetics - Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century.pdf 12.56 MB 13175007 Francis Galton - Pioneer of Heredity and Biometry.pdf 1.94 MB 2043014 Genetically Modified Crops - Their Development, Uses, and Risks.pdf 7.72 MB 8103804 Genetically Modified Pest-protected Plants - Science and Regulation.pdf 4.03 MB 4230730 Genetics and Genomics of Soybean.pdf 10.65 MB 11171235 Genomics of Tropical Crop Plants.pdf 9.55 MB 10014834 Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders.pdf 1.30 MB 1372598 Phytochemicals - Nutrient-gene Interactions.pdf 4.84 MB 5085140 Plant Adaptation - Molecular Genetics and Ecology.pdf 5.52 MB 5791329 Plant Cytogenetics.pdf 10.34 MB 10850415 Plant Patterning - Structural and Molecular Genetic Aspects.pdf 5.36 MB 5621254 Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding.pdf 6.16 MB 6466293 Rice Genetics III.pdf 7.83 MB 8217824 Rice Genetics V.pdf 6.00 MB 6298773 Seeds of Concern - The Genetic Manipulation of Plants.pdf 5.48 MB 5753004 The Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping - Genetic and Physical Mapping.pdf 10.55 MB 11070094 Transgenic Plants and Crops.pdf 10.54 MB 11056937 Tree Transgenesis - Recent Developments.pdf 11.20 MB 11748135 Agriculture Research 9.61 MB Agri-culture - Reconnecting People, Land and Nature.pdf 4.19 MB 4395640 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Research at NIOSH - Reviews of Research Programs of the NIOSH.pdf 2.31 MB 2426972 Science for Agriculture - A Long-Term Perspective.pdf 1.84 MB 1939672 Science, Agriculture and Research - A Compromised Participation.pdf 1.25 MB 1319227 Animal Agriculture 66.59 MB Animal Agriculture Research Progress.pdf 3.62 MB 3803232 Cattle Behaviour and Welfare.pdf 3.97 MB 4169757 Dairy Sheep Nutrition.pdf 3.33 MB 3495555 Environmental Management of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs).pdf 10.44 MB 10956201 Field and Laboratory Methods for Grassland and Animal Production Research.pdf 3.49 MB 3661133 Food Waste to Animal Feed.pdf 2.04 MB 2141637 Poultry Behaviour and Welfare.pdf 4.76 MB 4991941 Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology.pdf 8.92 MB 9355365 Redesigning Animal Agriculture - The Challenge of the 21st Century.pdf 2.44 MB 2558988 Running a Small Beef Herd.pdf 9.76 MB 10240550 Supplementary Feeding of Sheep and Beef Cattle.pdf 2.75 MB 2889196 The Encyclopedia of Farm Animal Nutrition.pdf 5.07 MB 5324912 The Encyclopedia of Historic and Endangered Livestock and Poultry Breeds.pdf 2.94 MB 3090648 Voluntary Food Intake and Diet Selection in Farm Animals.pdf 3.00 MB 3147541 Beekeeping 18.12 MB Honey Bees - Estimating the Environmental Impact of Chemicals.pdf 5.64 MB 5917837 The Bees of theWorld.pdf 11.10 MB 11642423 The Little Book of Bees.pdf 1.37 MB 1446170 Biotechnology & Renewable Energy 82.16 MB Agricultural Biotechnology - Strategies for National Competitiveness.pdf 1.35 MB 1419059 Biofuels for Transport - Global Potential and Implications for Sustainable Energy and Agriculture.pdf 3.45 MB 3622858 Plant Biotechnology - Current and Future Applications of Genetically Modified Crops.pdf 2.11 MB 2222134 Plant Biotechnology and Genetics - Principles, Techniques and Applications.pdf 60.89 MB 63850525 Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Markers.pdf 3.83 MB 4020667 Renewable Energy Resources.pdf 10.51 MB 11024196 Business in Agriculture 18.11 MB Agriculture and the WTO.pdf 4.31 MB 4520423 Farming and Us - The Influence of Agriculture on Human Behaviour.pdf 1.52 MB 1601331 From Parastatals to Private Trade - Lessons from Asian Agriculture.pdf 1.46 MB 1535966 Self-organising Agro-ecosystems.pdf 2.55 MB 2676978 The Nature of the Farm - Contracts, Risk, and Organization in Agriculture.pdf 1.71 MB 1803396 The New American Farmer - Profiles of Agricultural Innovation.pdf 6.53 MB 6854050 Cultures 389.45 MB Tobacco in History and Culture 21.44 MB Tobacco in History and Culture - Vol.1 Addiction Music Popular.pdf 11.20 MB 11749147 Tobacco in History and Culture - Vol.2 Native Americans Zimbabwe.pdf 10.24 MB 10741933 Agapanthus - A Revision of the Genus.pdf 3.19 MB 3345980 Biology and Breeding of Crucifers.pdf 6.63 MB 6955005 Biology of Apples and Pears.pdf 7.74 MB 8121634 Citrus Fruit - Biology, Technology and Evaluation.pdf 7.29 MB 7651541 Corn and Capitalism - How a Botanical Bastard Grew to Global Dominance.pdf 2.41 MB 2531214 Desert Olive Oil Cultivation - Advanced Bio Technologies.pdf 10.73 MB 11260189 Draughtsmen, Botanists and Nature - The Construction of Eighteenth-Century Botanical Illustrations.pdf 8.71 MB 9140906 Echinacea - The Genus Echinacea.pdf 8.29 MB 8694777 Gentianaceae - Systematics and Natural History.pdf 14.09 MB 14776820 Ginger - The Genus Zingiber.pdf 10.57 MB 11083791 Kava - From Ethnology to Pharmacology.pdf 9.14 MB 9589917 Lavender - The Genus Lavandula.pdf 3.58 MB 3762123 Litchi and Longan - Botany, Production and Uses.pdf 7.10 MB 7453028 Mint - The Genus Mentha.pdf 9.52 MB 9989099 Monocots - Systematics and Evolution.pdf 20.49 MB 21494621 Mushrooms - Cultivation, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Effect, and Environmental Impact.pdf 7.72 MB 8102916 Narcissus and Daffodil - The Genus Narcissus.pdf 7.71 MB 8091004 Physiology of Cotton.pdf 62.54 MB 65586741 Pomegranates - Ancient Roots to Modern Medicine.pdf 5.84 MB 6131708 Potato Biology and Biotechnology - Advances and Perspectives.pdf 13.82 MB 14499121 Solanaceous Crops Vol.1 - Potato.pdf 9.62 MB 10095240 Specialty Corns.pdf 14.02 MB 14710199 Specialty Cut Flowers - The Production of Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs, and Woody Plants for Fresh and Dried Cut Flowers.pdf 10.60 MB 11121919 Sugar Beet.pdf 10.77 MB 11297279 Sugarcane.pdf 3.49 MB 3666162 The Amateur Potato Breeder’s Manual.pdf 709.82 KB 726861 The Ostrich - Biology, Production and Health.pdf 5.86 MB 6149308 The Peach - Botany, Production and Uses.pdf 28.40 MB 29784186 The Pineapple - Botany, Production and Uses.pdf 16.44 MB 17248229 Tomato Plant Culture - In the Field, Greenhouse, and Home Garden.pdf 7.92 MB 8310398 Tomatoes.pdf 4.07 MB 4273728 Turmeric - The Genus Curcuma.pdf 11.70 MB 12275463 Verticillium Wilts.pdf 3.16 MB 3323336 Wheat Production in Stressed Environments.pdf 13.96 MB 14640756 Ecology 8.01 MB Agroecological Innovations - Increasing Food Production with Participatory Development.pdf 2.89 MB 3038131 Darwin’s Harvest - New Approaches to the Origins, Evolution, and Conservation of Crops.pdf 5.12 MB 5371425 Foods 38.58 MB Antimicrobials in Food.pdf 7.08 MB 7427625 Drying - Fruits & Vegetables.pdf 421.05 KB 431162 Food Chemistry.pdf 13.79 MB 14468695 Handbook of Postharvest Technology - Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables, Tea, and Spices.pdf 8.97 MB 9407016 Mycotoxins in Fruits and Vegetables.pdf 2.62 MB 2752201 Soybeans as Functional Foods and Ingredients.pdf 5.69 MB 5971675 Forest 91.21 MB Decision Support for Forest Management.pdf 2.63 MB 2768063 Ecological Methods in Forest Pest Management.pdf 4.03 MB 4229364 Forest Canopies.pdf 48.30 MB 50651262 Forest Dynamics, Growth and Yield.pdf 16.81 MB 17626702 Forest Management and Planning.pdf 6.66 MB 6993367 Oak Forest Ecosystems - Ecology and Management for Wildlife.pdf 4.03 MB 4235079 The Energetics of Mangrove Forests.pdf 3.25 MB 3416891 Tropical Forest Ecology - The Basis for Conservation and Management.pdf 5.45 MB 5724254 History of Agriculture 64.44 MB A History of World Agriculture.pdf 34.93 MB 36626990 Agriculture’s Ethical Horizon.pdf 1.19 MB 1256365 Crop Histories.pdf 1.36 MB 1428157 Health for All - Analyses and Recommendations.pdf 26.95 MB 28262320 Management in Agriculture 79.71 MB Agricultural Water Management Research Trends.pdf 6.59 MB 6910501 Applied Ecology and Natural Resource Management.pdf 9.04 MB 9488664 Ecosystem Management - Adaptive, Community-Based Conservation.pdf 7.97 MB 8357317 Natural Resources Management in Agriculture - Methods for Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts.pdf 28.11 MB 29483556 Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Natural Resource Management.pdf 2.53 MB 2659551 Use of Reclaimed Water and Sludge in Food Crop Production.pdf 2.90 MB 3043616 Wastewater Treatment, Plant Dynamics and Management in Constructed and Natural Wetlands.pdf 22.54 MB 23644237 Meteorology 92.66 MB A Chronology of Weather.pdf 4.67 MB 4899111 A Climate Modelling Primer.pdf 7.73 MB 8113668 Applied Atmospheric Dynamics.pdf 5.34 MB 5600975 Climate Change - Causes, Effects, and Solutions.pdf 4.56 MB 4790923 Climate Prediction and Agriculture - Advances and Challenges.pdf 6.10 MB 6399771 Desert Meteorology.pdf 13.86 MB 14540386 Global Warming and Agriculture - Impact Estimates by Country.pdf 1.50 MB 1573462 Increasing Climate Variability and Change - Reducing the Vulnerability of Agriculture and Forestry.pdf 12.02 MB 12610863 Managing Weather and Climate Risks in Agriculture.pdf 9.99 MB 10475749 Natural Climate Variability and Global Warming - A Holocene Perspective.pdf 6.09 MB 6395155 Natural Disasters and Extreme Events in Agriculture - Impacts and Mitigation.pdf 7.31 MB 7671258 Observing Systems for Atmospheric Composition - Satellite, Aircraft, Sensor Web and Ground-Based Observational Methods and Strategies.pdf 13.43 MB 14091602 Mushrooms 59.90 MB Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of the World.pdf 59.90 MB 62817271 Organic Agriculture 28.67 MB Good Growing - Why Organic Farming Works.pdf 2.19 MB 2300620 Organic Agriculture - A Global Perspective.pdf 9.17 MB 9616474 Organic Agriculture - Sustainability, Markets and Policies.pdf 1.86 MB 1956040 Organic Farming - An International History.pdf 3.94 MB 4138123 Organic Food - Consumers’ Choices and Farmers’ Opportunities.pdf 1.78 MB 1870928 Organic Fruit Growing.pdf 4.96 MB 5205513 Profitable Organic Farming.pdf 952.87 KB 975745 The Environmental Impacts of Organic Farming in Europe Vol. 6.pdf 642.05 KB 657463 Tomorrow’s Table - Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food.pdf 3.18 MB 3343838 Pesticides 42.25 MB Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Research at NIOSH.pdf 2.31 MB 2426972 Fungicides, Biocides, and Preservatives for Industrial and Agricultural Applications (Scan).pdf 6.80 MB 7139057 Induced Resistance for Plant Defence - A Sustainable Approach to Crop Protection.pdf 1.68 MB 1768177 Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops.pdf 4.99 MB 5236443 Optimising Pesticide Use.pdf 4.22 MB 4432218 Pesticide Chemistry - Crop Protection, Public Health, Environmental Safety.pdf 3.35 MB 3520171 Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water - Human Exposure and Risks.pdf 2.19 MB 2305588 Pesticide Resistance - Strategies and Tactics for Management.pdf 3.05 MB 3198343 Pesticides - Problems, Improvements, Alternatives.pdf 2.47 MB 2590954 The Pesticide Detox - Towards a More Sustainable Agriculture.pdf 2.86 MB 3003473 The Triazine Herbicides - 50 years Revolutionizing Agriculture.pdf 6.07 MB 6367232 The WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification.pdf 2.21 MB 2323585 Plant Breeding 1.33 GB Grasses 25.96 MB CRC World Dictionary of Grasses - Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology.pdf 15.72 MB 16492071 Ecology and Evolution of the Grass-Endophyte Symbiosis.pdf 3.54 MB 3714962 Etymological Dictionary of Grasses.pdf 3.60 MB 3781395 Lockhart & Wiseman’s Crop Husbandry - Including Grassland.pdf 3.08 MB 3235943 Horticulture 1.05 GB Principles of Horticulture 16.78 MB Principles of Horticulture.pdf 16.78 MB 17596326 Vegetables 12.03 MB Handbook of Plant Breeding Vol.1 - Vegetables I - Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Chenopodicaceae, and Cucurbitaceae.pdf 7.61 MB 7982533 Handbook of Plant Breeding Vol.2 - Vegetables II - Fabaceae, Liliaceae, Solanaceae and Umbelliferae.pdf 4.42 MB 4636389 An Encyclopedia of Shade Perennials.pdf 3.98 MB 4176611 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Clematis.pdf 105.58 MB 110710052 Applied Principles of Horticultural Science.pdf 3.70 MB 3885828 Closet Cultivator.pdf 3.57 MB 3746992 Concise Encyclopedia of Temperate Tree Fruit.pdf 2.99 MB 3138484 Cornell Guide to Growing Fruit at Home.pdf 1.84 MB 1932023 Encyclopedia of Garden Ferns.pdf 20.35 MB 21348865 Fern Grower’s Manual.pdf 20.55 MB 21556628 Fruit and Vegetables - Harvesting, Handling and Storage.pdf 6.63 MB 6958406 Gardening Basics For Dummies.pdf 21.43 MB 22477946 Growing under Glass - Choosing and Equipping a Greenhouse, Growing Plants Successfully All Year Round.pdf 9.18 MB 9635473 Growing Vegetables in Home Gardens.pdf 387.34 KB 396642 Harvesting and Storing Fresh Garden Vegetables with Notes on Nutrition.pdf 601.75 KB 616195 How to Grow More Vegetables (and Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains, and other Crops).pdf 5.72 MB 5997885 Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers.pdf 2.48 MB 2601812 Principles of Horticulture.pdf 5.28 MB 5537735 Pruning - How-To Guide for Gardeners.pdf 12.79 MB 13414883 Seed Storage of Horticultural Crops.pdf 4.56 MB 4785994 The Color Encyclopedia of Hostas.pdf 407.23 MB 427020364 The Cycads.pdf 6.61 MB 6940202 The Gardener's Handbook.pdf 4.80 MB 5038716 The Principles of Fruit-Growing with Applications to Practice.pdf 36.67 MB 38459267 The Roman Book of Gardening.pdf 1.21 MB 1272685 The Well-Designed Mixed Garden - Building Beds and Borders with Trees, Shrubs, Perennials, Annuals, and Bulbs.pdf 350.02 MB 367024702 Vegetable Gardening Encyclopedia - Growing, Freezing, Canning, Drying, Storing.pdf 13.52 MB 14186918 Seeds 136.62 MB Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central and East-European Flora.pdf 87.39 MB 91635506 Flower Seeds - Biology and Technology.pdf 9.10 MB 9546587 Handbook of Fruits and Fruit Processing.pdf 5.47 MB 5741415 Handbook of Seed Physiology - Applications to Agriculture.pdf 8.03 MB 8427461 Seed Fate - Predation, Dispersal and Seedling Establishment.pdf 8.26 MB 8662985 The Biology of Seeds - Recent Research Advances.pdf 13.82 MB 14495059 The Ecology of Seeds.pdf 4.53 MB 4755907 Advances in Molecular Breeding Toward Drought and Salt Tolerant Crops.pdf 9.93 MB 10415928 Breeding Major Food Staples.pdf 4.90 MB 5148046 Breeding Plantation Tree Crops - Temperate Species.pdf 3.76 MB 3951697 Crop Post-Harvest - Science and Technology Vol.1 - Principles and Practice.pdf 10.16 MB 10661096 Crop Science - Progress and Prospects.pdf 3.33 MB 3501810 Encyclopedia of Grain Science Vol.1-3.pdf 24.31 MB 25492443 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Plant Breeding and Related Subjects.pdf 4.02 MB 4224407 Growing Food - A Guide to Food Production.pdf 3.17 MB 3325749 Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology.pdf 8.53 MB 8950744 Lost Crops of Africa Vol.1 - Grains.pdf 12.73 MB 13352669 Lost Crops of Africa Vol.2 - Vegetables.pdf 7.56 MB 7936093 Model Plants and Crop Improvement.pdf 3.11 MB 3269896 Physiology and Biotechnology Integration for Plant Breeding.pdf 3.39 MB 3561221 Plant Breeding - The Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium.pdf 4.70 MB 4938488 Plant Breeding and Biotechnology - Societal Context and the Future of Agriculture.pdf 1.99 MB 2095617 Plant Molecular Breeding.pdf 3.25 MB 3410991 Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops Vol.2 - Plant Mineral Nutrition and Pesticide Management.pdf 2.11 MB 2221879 Tropical Fruits and Frugivores - The Search for Strong Interactors.pdf 9.21 MB 9665289 Working with Dynamic Crop Models - Evaluation, Analysis, Parameterization, and Applications.pdf 4.14 MB 4343527 Plant Pathology 578.84 MB Integrated Management of Plant Pests and Diseases 17.45 MB Integrated Management and Biocontrol of Vegetable and Grain Crops Nematodes.pdf 10.15 MB 10643231 Integrated Management of Fruit Crops and Forest Nematodes.pdf 7.30 MB 7656038 Molecular Biology in Plant Pathogenesis and Disease Management 18.33 MB Molecular Biology in Plant Pathogenesis and Disease Management Vol.1 - Microbial Plant Pathogens.pdf 6.34 MB 6648650 Molecular Biology in Plant Pathogenesis and Disease Management Vol.2 - Disease Development.pdf 6.45 MB 6768750 Molecular Biology in Plant Pathogenesis and Disease Management Vol.3 - Disease Management.pdf 5.54 MB 5811629 A Textbook of Agricultural Entomology.pdf 21.26 MB 22293681 Advances in Insect Control - The Role of Transgenic Plants.pdf 2.81 MB 2950598 Allelochemicals - Biological Control of Plant Pathogens and Diseases.pdf 1.54 MB 1622779 Ascochyta Blights of Grain Legumes.pdf 3.71 MB 3898859 Biotechnology and Plant Disease Management.pdf 7.70 MB 8081493 Botrytis - Biology, Pathology and Control.pdf 4.05 MB 4251489 Chemical Pesticides - Mode of Action and Toxicology.pdf 1.49 MB 1571883 Comprehensive and Molecular Phytopathology.pdf 11.34 MB 11896331 Concise Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology.pdf 23.50 MB 24649500 Disease Control in Crops - Biological and Environmentally Friendly Approaches.pdf 2.61 MB 2746989 Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables Vol.1 - Diagnosis and Management.pdf 17.65 MB 18512087 Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables Vol.2 - Diagnosis and Management.pdf 8.07 MB 8471205 Exotic Pests and Diseases - Biology and Economics for Biosecurity.pdf 3.39 MB 3560704 Fire Blight - The Disease and its Causative Agent, Erwinia amylovora.pdf 2.20 MB 2309370 Fruit and Vegetable Diseases.pdf 11.10 MB 11645755 Fungal Disease Resistance in Plants - Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetic Engineering.pdf 4.90 MB 5145205 Handbook of Vegetable Pests.pdf 23.62 MB 24767991 Handbook to the Construction and Use of Insect Collection and Rearing Devices - A Guide for Teachers with Suggested Classroom Applications.pdf 26.57 MB 27861783 Induced Plant Resistance to Herbivory.pdf 6.11 MB 6415443 Insects as Natural Enemies - A Practical Perspective.pdf 17.29 MB 18139898 Integrated Management and Biocontrol of Vegetable and Grain Crops Nematodes.pdf 10.15 MB 10643231 Introduction to Plant Pathology.pdf 9.74 MB 10217925 Natural Enemies - An Introduction to Biological Control.pdf 6.57 MB 6890185 Pest and Disease Management Handbook.pdf 2.09 MB 2191921 Pests of Crops in Warmer Climates and their Control.pdf 27.71 MB 29062451 Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture.pdf 14.26 MB 14955790 Plant Pathology - Concepts and Laboratory Exercises.pdf 7.35 MB 7709950 Plant Pathology.pdf 184.79 MB 193767736 Plant Viruses as Molecular Pathogens.pdf 9.49 MB 9960051 Plant-Parasitic Nematodes of Coffee.pdf 33.54 MB 35172903 Pratylenchus (Nematoda - Pratylenchidae) - Diagnosis, Biology, Pathogenicity and Management.pdf 8.01 MB 8408623 Sclerotinia Diseases of Crop Plants - Biology, Ecology and Disease Management.pdf 10.19 MB 10685749 Sterile Insect Technique - Principles and Practice in Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management.pdf 7.71 MB 8086257 Sustainable Disease Management in a European Context.pdf 3.64 MB 3817428 The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases.pdf 6.74 MB 7073488 Soil 389.58 MB Soil Biology 79.14 MB Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology.pdf 8.07 MB 8467112 Advances in Applied Bioremediation.pdf 7.01 MB 7358808 In Vitro Culture of Mycorrhizas.pdf 12.77 MB 13398410 Manual for Soil Analysis – Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation.pdf 4.31 MB 4526284 Microbial Activity in the Rhizosphere.pdf 4.89 MB 5129587 Microbial Root Endophytes.pdf 3.86 MB 4048929 Microorganisms in Soils - Roles in Genesis and Functions.pdf 6.96 MB 7305194 Molecular Mechanisms of Plant and Microbe Coexistence.pdf 3.74 MB 3929604 Nucleic Acids and Proteins in Soil.pdf 6.39 MB 6710528 Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems.pdf 5.84 MB 6132023 Permafrost Soils.pdf 4.02 MB 4218559 Secondary Metabolites in Soil Ecology.pdf 2.45 MB 2570387 Symbiotic Fungi.pdf 8.76 MB 9192783 Associative and Endophytic Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria and Cyanobacterial Associations.pdf 8.10 MB 8499345 Chemical Bioavailability - In Terrestrial Environments.pdf 8.79 MB 9227025 Environmental Soil Chemistry.pdf 5.15 MB 5409073 Footprints in the Soil - People and Ideas in Soil History.pdf 7.67 MB 8051376 Fundamentals of Soil Science.pdf 15.08 MB 15822063 Geochemical Processes - Conceptual Models for Reactive Transport in Soil and Groundwater.pdf 5.07 MB 5321833 Groundwater and Soil Cleanup - Improving Management of Persistent Contaminants.pdf 3.44 MB 3609090 Handbook of Soil Analysis - Mineralogical, Organic and Inorganic Methods.pdf 10.90 MB 11437163 Introduction to Soil Chemistry - Analysis and Instrumentation.pdf 4.15 MB 4359220 Key to Soil Taxonomy - Soil Survey Staff.pdf 2.42 MB 2540367 Laboratory Guide for Conducting Soil Tests and Plant Analysis.pdf 4.14 MB 4341573 Managing Soil Quality - Challenges in Modern Agriculture.pdf 3.07 MB 3227313 Pictorial Atlas of Soil and Seed Fungi - Morphologies of Cultured Fungi and Key to Species.pdf 24.20 MB 25384081 Plant Roots - Growth, Activity and Interaction with Soils.pdf 5.01 MB 5254002 Principles of Soil and Plant Water Relations.pdf 12.51 MB 13126807 Principles of Soil Physics.pdf 15.26 MB 16003271 Reinforced Soil Engineering - Advanced in Research and Practice.pdf 7.37 MB 7733113 Soil and Environmental Analysis - Physical Methods.pdf 7.59 MB 7958833 Soil Classification - A Global Desk Reference.pdf 8.64 MB 9061461 Soil Ecology Research Developments.pdf 4.83 MB 5073294 Soil Ecology.pdf 27.57 MB 28915931 Soil Erosion and Conservation.pdf 3.72 MB 3900898 Soil Formation.pdf 35.05 MB 36753752 Soil Microbiology, Ecology, and Biochemistry.pdf 10.43 MB 10946467 Soil Mineral – Microbe-Organic Interactions.pdf 8.40 MB 8814565 Soil Respiration and the Environment.pdf 4.84 MB 5075937 Soils for Fine Wines.pdf 8.16 MB 8566323 Soils, Land and Food - Managing the Land During the 21st Century.pdf 1.33 MB 1398267 Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matte.pdf 5.14 MB 5398751 Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Soils and Sediments.pdf 1.53 MB 1609412 The Biogeochemistry of Submerged Soils.pdf 2.13 MB 2238331 The Biology of Soil - A Community and Ecosystem Approach.pdf 5.93 MB 6221050 The Chemistry of Soils.pdf 4.75 MB 4990840 The Spirit of the Soil - Agriculture and Environmental Ethics.pdf 1.13 MB 1191726 Trace Elements from Soil to Human.pdf 15.52 MB 16274655 Trace Elements in Soils and Plants.pdf 11.23 MB 11781217 Sustainable Agriculture 152.35 MB Agricultural Development Policy - Concepts and Experiences.pdf 5.18 MB 5433620 Biological Invasions - Economic and Environmental Costs of Alien Plant, Animal, and Microbe Species.pdf 9.96 MB 10449442 Conservation Tillage and Cropping Innovation - Constructing the New Culture of Agriculture.pdf 1.87 MB 1968563 Economics of Sustainable Energy in Agriculture.pdf 10.39 MB 10904362 Global Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries.pdf 2.71 MB 2842381 Handbook of Agricultural Economics Vol.3.pdf 7.68 MB 8055131 Modern Crop Protection Compounds.pdf 24.94 MB 26155735 Modernizing America’s Food and Farm Policy - Vision for a New Direction.pdf 3.55 MB 3723128 Molecular Techniques in Crop Improvement.pdf 9.34 MB 9803631 Mycorrhizae - Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry.pdf 6.54 MB 6857840 Plant-Environment Interactions.pdf 2.94 MB 3092541 Postharvest Management of Fruit and Vegetables in the Asia-Pacific Region.pdf 1.81 MB 1906021 Science for Agriculture and Rural Development in Low-income Countries.pdf 2.00 MB 2097317 Successful Gardening - An Ebook of Gardening Pleasures Vol.1.pdf 413.02 KB 422940 Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics.pdf 15.34 MB 16094369 Sustainable Agriculture.pdf 4.69 MB 4923861 Sustainable Farmland Management - Transdisciplinary Approaches.pdf 6.79 MB 7124665 Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook.pdf 4.19 MB 4399849 The Agri-Environment.pdf 2.25 MB 2360988 The Next Green Revolution - Essential Steps to a Healthy, Sustainable Agriculture.pdf 3.36 MB 3527984 Water and Agriculture Sustainablity - Markets and Policies.pdf 10.84 MB 11373342 World Food - Production and Use.pdf 15.48 MB 16241983 Weed 31.45 MB Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds.pdf 6.36 MB 6671757 Fundamentals of Weed Science.pdf 3.32 MB 3488532 Invasive Plants - Ecological and Agricultural Aspects.pdf 3.13 MB 3284278 Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds.pdf 7.89 MB 8282895 Weed Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems.pdf 3.51 MB 3690708 Weed Science - Principles and Practices.pdf 7.21 MB 7567739 HAVE FAST SHIPPING!!!! 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