
Blood in the Water: How the US and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty by

Description: Blood in the Water by Joan Mellen Presents evidence suggesting collusion between US and Israeli intelligence in the attack on a US naval surveillance vessel during the Six-Day War and the more than fifty-year long cover-up.On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty, an unarmed intelligence ship reporting to the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the auspices of the National Security Agency, was positioned in international waters off the coast of Egypt when it was attacked with deadly violence by unmarked jet planes firing rockets and machine guns and throwing napalm onto its deck. This ambush was followed by a torpedo strike that blew a forty-foot hole in the starboard side of the ship. Lacking the capacity to defend themselves, thirty-four sailors were killed and 174 wounded, many for life. By the end of the day, Israel had confessed to having been the aggressor, simultaneously arguing that the attack had been an "accident" and a "mistake."The facts said otherwise. So intense and sustained was the attack - it lasted for nearly an hour and a half - so specific was the aiming for the antennae and satellite dish on deck, that it was scarcely credible that Israels aggression was not deliberate; such was the view of Marshall Carter, the director of the National Security Agency, his deputy director Louis Tordella, and Richard Helms, the Director of Central Intelligence.Based on interviews with more than forty survivors, knowledgeable political insiders, and Soviet archives of the period, investigative writer Joan Mellen presents evidence suggesting complicity between US and Israeli intelligence in the attack on Liberty and the more than fifty-year long cover-up. What were the underlying motives? Was this a false flag operation conducted in the midst of the Six-Day War? Was it conceivable that Israel would have initiated such an operation without a green light from the United States?For the sake of justice, truth and the murdered and surviving sailors, this is a story demanding to be told. FORMAT Hardcover LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Author Biography Joan Mellen is professor emerita at Temple University, where she taught literature and creative writing for fifty years, and the author of twenty-four books including, most recently, Faustian Bargains: Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace in the Robber Baron Culture of Texas; The Great Game in Cuba: CIA and the Cuban Revolution; Our Man in Haiti: George de Mohrenschildt and the CIA in the Nightmare Republic; and A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFKs Assassination and the Case That Should Have Changed History. She is a winner of Temples Great Teacher Award, a lifetime achievement award, and a Temple University Faculty Award for Creative Achievement. Her media appearances include C-SPAN Book TV and NBCs Today show. Review ""Finally, the definitive reconstruction of the greatest moral and political scandal in American history, which demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that the US government at its highest level conspired with Israel in 1967 to destroy a surveillance naval vessel, USS Liberty, and murder its own sailors to gain a pretext for launching an aggressive attack on Egypt. With this exposé, based on exhaustive research and extensive interviews, Joan Mellen has done an immense patriotic service. An extraordinary book that should be not only read but acted upon." --Richard Falk, Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law, Emeritus, Princeton University "With predictable moral courage and impressive literary deftness, Mellen has now written a very important book that punctures the long-standing official explanations of what exactly happened when Israel attacked the intelligence ship USS Liberty during the frenzy of the Six-Day War. The truth about this incident has been deliberately buried for decades in misleading documents. Both aspects of its history come through in this inspired book." --Burton Hersh, author of Edward Kennedy: An Intimate Biography, Bobby and J. Edgar, and The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA "The USS Liberty, sailing in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula, is suddenly and deliberately attacked on June 8, 1967, in the midst of the Six-Day War. Thirty-four men are killed and 174 wounded. . . . Mellen unravels this sad saga in the nations history. Hers is a riveting account that is essential reading for anyone who wants to fully understand this dark time in American history as a warning about the dangers of secret, unelected operatives who are still in positions to direct foreign and military policy." --David R. Contosta, author of Americas Needless Wars "This investigation has uncovered the depth of this horrendous attack on an unarmed US Navy ship by one of our allies. I have always believed that the Israelis would never have conducted such a cowardly, murderous act without a green light, or at least a blinking yellow light, from the Johnson administration." --Lloyd Painter, lieutenant on the USS Liberty and former agent of the United States Secret Service "Mellen has crystal clear vision, especially when it comes to describing history in shades of gray. The author presents factual accounts without bias, and honors the valiant crew of the USS Liberty. This is a must-read for a true accounting of the administration of Lyndon Baines Johnson." --Bob Wilson, Sleuth Journal Long Description Presents evidence suggesting collusion between US and Israeli intelligence in the attack on a US naval surveillance vessel during the Six-Day War and the more than fifty-year long cover-up. On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty, an unarmed intelligence ship reporting to the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the auspices of the National Security Agency, was positioned in international waters off the coast of Egypt when it was attacked with deadly violence by unmarked jet planes firing rockets and machine guns and throwing napalm onto its deck. This ambush was followed by a torpedo strike that blew a forty-foot hole in the starboard side of the ship. Lacking the capacity to defend themselves, thirty-four sailors were killed and 174 wounded, many for life. By the end of the day, Israel had confessed to having been the aggressor, simultaneously arguing that the attack had been an "accident" and a "mistake." The facts said otherwise. So intense and sustained was the attack - it lasted for nearly an hour and a half - so specific was the aiming for the antennae and satellite dish on deck, that it was scarcely credible that Israels aggression was not deliberate; such was the view of Marshall Carter, the director of the National Security Agency, his deputy director Louis Tordella, and Richard Helms, the Director of Central Intelligence. Based on interviews with more than forty survivors, knowledgeable political insiders, and Soviet archives of the period, investigative writer Joan Mellen presents evidence suggesting complicity between US and Israeli intelligence in the attack on Liberty and the more than fifty-year long cover-up. What were the underlying motives? Was this a false flag operation conducted in the midst of the Six-Day War? Was it conceivable that Israel would have initiated such an operation without a green light from the United States? For the sake of justice, truth and the murdered and surviving sailors, this is a story demanding to be told. Review Text ""Finally, the definitive reconstruction of the greatest moral and political scandal in American history, which demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that the US government at its highest level conspired with Israel in 1967 to destroy a surveillance naval vessel, USS Liberty, and murder its own sailors to gain a pretext for launching an aggressive attack on Egypt. With this expos Review Quote "Finally, the definitive reconstruction of the greatest moral and political scandal in American history, which demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that the US government at its highest level conspired with Israel in 1967 to destroy a surveillance naval vessel, USS Liberty , and murder its own sailors to gain a pretext for launching an aggressive attack on Egypt. With this expos Excerpt from Book Foreword Joan Mellen, who has completed years of research into the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, will provide answers that have heretofore eluded those seeking information as to why it was done and who was involved in an event that resulted in the murder of 34 Americans (31 sailors, 2 marines, and 1 NSA civilian), the wounding of 174, and the attempted murder of 294 Americans by the Israel Defense Forces. It is a continuation of her tireless and tenacious study of President Lyndon Baines Johnson and his administration, providing her readers with details that have not been made known to the American public. Why is this accurate account so vital to the future of America? As an eyewitness, a survivor of the attack, and a witness to the US governments deception, I am very much aware of the events. My hometown, upbringing, and church and the US Navy provided me with the moral character and determination to complete our mission despite any adversities. It is my love of country that forces me to want the truth told. I have observed the whole scale of lies, deceit, and forgery by the US Navy, who were ordered to do so by our government officials, orchestrated by their commander in chief. The American public needs to know what was done to the USS Liberty crew and to our nation for the sole purpose of protecting our relationship with Israel and profiting for political gain on the backs of the Liberty crew. Therefore, prepare to devour Ms. Mellens account of this event and time period, Blood in the Water: How the US and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty. She has uncovered details that have been deliberately hidden from your eyes to prevent you from forming a better understanding of the consequences of our silence. Please take this information to heart and share it with your family and friends. Joan Mellens book is that important for future American generations to understand the abuses that took place during the Johnson years. I deeply appreciate Ms. Mellens ability to document these events so that we can take steps to return to the form of governing our founding fathers gave us. If we do not learn from what her book provides us, our future is in jeopardy. --Ernest A. Gallo, President, USS Liberty Veterans Association From the Preface At the dawn of the Six-Day War,... Liberty was rushed to the Eastern Mediterranean. On June 8, she was trolling in international waters at her normal cruise speed of five knots, the speed they traveled when they were on station and doing their intelligence collection, twelve and a half miles off the coast of Egypt. In a bloody, unprovoked, and systematic attack that continued for an hour and a half, Israeli jet fighter planes--their hulls blackened to conceal their country of origin, in defiance of international law--blasted the unarmed Liberty . They were followed by torpedo boats brandishing machine guns. For more than fifty years, the Survivors (the use of the uppercase is their designation) have sought an explanation for this attack, clearly designed to murder everyone on board and send their ship to the bottom of the sea. Intelligence gathering on the high seas is lawful, and it becomes illegal, naval historian Walter Jacobsen says, only when it infringes upon "protected features of the public order in the coastal state," which Liberty did not do. It turns out that Liberty was not gathering intelligence on Israel at all. The United States professed that it was not a participant in any way in the Six-Day War, an event that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. noted had "given Johnson the little respite he wanted from Vietnam." Yet the decimation of the Egyptian Air Force on the first day of the war would not have been possible without the participation of US F-4 planes doing aerial surveillance photography that Israel lacked the technological know-how itself to accomplish. Where documents elucidating these events have emerged, they have been heavily redacted. Blood in the Water is an effort to penetrate the motives for this attack. History may be defined as what is not yet known, hidden corners that illuminate events that seem otherwise inexplicable. Please be so kind as to consider this effort, this book, in the light of its unsatisfactory predecessors. Some components of one agency (CIA) will be revealed to have known the attack was coming, while others, appalled, were unable to stop it. CIA was not a monolith, and those who did not support this operation included Richard Helms, the director of Central Intelligence himself. Along the way, I have been guided by the words of members of the intelligence services with access to the truth of what happened and who refused to participate in the cover-up. Among them was a CIA asset named Wilbur Crane Eveland, who requested of Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles, his longtime friend, that he be removed from duty in the Middle East so that he would not be complicit in the injustices he was certain would come. Allen Dulles acknowledged to his asset Eveland that "the CIA and Israels Mossad had worked jointly to monitor developments within the Soviet Union and Russias satellites, and even before the Egyptian-Czech arms agreement, the Israelis had warned that Russia had plans to arm the Arabs." CIA had monitored Russian arms shipments to the Middle East. In 1959, Dulles had told Eveland that CIAs collaboration with Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, left the United States exposed to blackmail and established Israel as the first nuclear power in the Middle East. In 1972, General Matityahu Peled of the Israeli army stated in the Israeli daily, Haaretz , that "the thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff which was born and developed after the war." Government documents allow that Israel did not act alone in this operation and therefore cannot be blamed for the devastation by itself. The fifty-year cover-up has been tightly held and respected by every president from Lyndon Johnson, a principal in these events, through Barack Obama. Available documents have been few and far between. Sometimes they arrive from the unlikeliest sources, like Mossad chief Meir Amit, who distributed the minutes of his pivotal May 1967 meeting with CIA station chief John Hadden to interested Israeli journalists. Israel argued, falsely, that the USSR had "instigated" the Six-Day War and had targeted Dimona, Israels secret nuclear arms facility. Israel continued for fifty years to argue that the attack on the ship was an "accident," passing along this disinformation to its assets like Avner Cohen, author of Israel and the Bomb , who attempted to pass it along to me. It was also Cohen, resident as a "scholar" in the United States, who reported to former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy that the memoir about Hadden written by Haddens son, Conversations with a Masked Man: My Father, the CIA, and Me , had finally been published. Halevy replied, "I thought we had taken care of that." It was a rare glimpse into Israels shameless interference in US publishing. Thomas Lowe Hughes, heading up State Department intelligence in the 1960s, told me there was no one in the government who saw any value in the truth about the USS Liberty emerging. That a cover-up had descended on these events was taken for granted. As Nicholas Katzenbach, then an undersecretary of state, remarked to Hughes, "What good would it do?" Katzenbach was echoing the very view held in Israel after the collapse of its terrorist "Operation Susannah": "What good could come of an investigation?" The truth was, at best, an inconvenience. Katzenbach had never been a proponent of speaking the truth to the public, as he revealed three days after the Kennedy assassination. "The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin," he wrote in a memorandum to Lyndon Johnsons aide, Bill Moyers, "that he did not have confederates who are still at lar≥ and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at a trial." Discussion was anathema. "Speculation about Oswalds motivation ought to be cut off," Katzenbach decreed. Katzenbach had been chosen by FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover "to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort." Katzenbach began to write his memorandum on the Sunday after the assassination, the same general time when J. Edgar Hoover, writes historian Rex Bradford, was writing memos to the same effect. When Katzenbach was asked, "How are you going to pursue this with the Israelis, namely the Liberty ?," he responded, "Were not going to. What good would it do?" He had gotten the message that Liberty was a nonissue, and that the sooner it was behind us, the better. "It will do nothing but damage our friends politically." In conversation with me, Hughes speculated that Katzenbach "thought it would just produce an enormous maelstrom of political controversy." I asked, "Wouldnt we have a better country if we had the truth?" "Who knows?" Hughes said. History has revealed that some distinguished figures in American government were appalled by the attack and knew how it came about, but kept silent. They include the chief of naval operations, Admiral David Lamar McDonald, who published a series of autobiographical interviews with the Naval Institute Press, yet did not mention the USS Liberty . To blame Israel alone for this attack on innocent Americans is like talking about Details ISBN1633884643 Author Joan Mellen Short Title BLOOD IN THE WATER Pages 446 Publisher Prometheus Books Language English ISBN-10 1633884643 ISBN-13 9781633884649 Format Hardcover Illustrations Yes Imprint Prometheus Books Subtitle How the US and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty Place of Publication Amherst Country of Publication United States Series G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects UK Release Date 2018-12-11 NZ Release Date 2018-12-11 Year 2019 Publication Date 2019-02-11 DEWEY 956.04645 Audience General US Release Date 2019-02-11 AU Release Date 2018-12-14 We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. With fast shipping, low prices, friendly service and well over a million items - you're bound to find what you want, at a price you'll love! TheNile_Item_ID:129274527;

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Blood in the Water: How the US and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty by

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ISBN-13: 9781633884649

Book Title: Blood in the Water

Number of Pages: 446 Pages

Publication Name: Blood in the Water: How the Us and Israel Conspired to Ambush the Uss Liberty

Language: English

Publisher: Prometheus Books

Item Height: 234 mm

Subject: Government, History

Publication Year: 2018

Type: Textbook

Item Weight: 685 g

Author: Joan Mellen

Item Width: 162 mm

Format: Hardcover


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