Description: Item: i40578 Authentic Ancient Coin of: Arcadius - Roman Emperor : 383-408 A.D. - Bronze AE2 23mm (3.39 grams) Constantinople mint: 395-401 A.D. Reference: RIC 53a (IX, Constantinopolis) DNARCADIVSPFAVG - Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, holding spear and shield; Hand of God above. GLORIAROMANORVM Exe: CONΓ - Arcadius standing, facing, holding labarum and resting hand on shield; seated captive to left. You are bidding on the exact item pictured, provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity. Labarum of Constantine I, displaying the "Chi-Rho" symbol above. The labarum was a vexillum (military standard) that displayed the "Chi-Rho" symbol ☧ , formed from the first two Greek letters of the word "Christ" — Chi and Rho . It was first used by the Roman emperor Constantine I . Since the vexillum consisted of a flag suspended from the crossbar of a cross, it was ideally suited to symbolize the crucifixion of Christ . Later usage has sometimes regarded the terms "labarum" and "Chi-Rho" as synonyms. Ancient sources, however, draw an unambiguous distinction between the two. Vision of Constantine A coin of Constantine (c.337) showing a depiction of his labarum spearing a serpent. On the evening of October 27, 312, with his army preparing for the Battle of the Milvian Bridge , the emperor Constantine I claimed to have had a vision which led him to believe he was fighting under the protection of the Christian God . Lactantius states that, in the night before the battle, Constantine was commanded in a dream to "delineate the heavenly sign on the shields of his soldiers". He obeyed and marked the shields with a sign "denoting Christ". Lactantius describes that sign as a "staurogram", or a Latin cross with its upper end rounded in a P-like fashion, rather than the better known Chi-Rho sign described by Eusebius of Caesarea . Thus, it had both the form of a cross and the monogram of Christ's name from the formed letters "X" and "P", the first letters of Christ's name in Greek. From Eusebius, two accounts of a battle survive. The first, shorter one in the Ecclesiastical History leaves no doubt that God helped Constantine but doesn't mention any vision. In his later Life of Constantine, Eusebius gives a detailed account of a vision and stresses that he had heard the story from the emperor himself. According to this version, Constantine with his army was marching somewhere (Eusebius doesn't specify the actual location of the event, but it clearly isn't in the camp at Rome) when he looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek words Ἐν Τούτῳ Νίκα . The traditionally employed Latin translation of the Greek is in hoc signo vinces — literally "In this sign, you will conquer." However, a direct translation from the original Greek text of Eusebius into English gives the phrase "By this, conquer!" At first he was unsure of the meaning of the apparition, but the following night he had a dream in which Christ explained to him that he should use the sign against his enemies. Eusebius then continues to describe the labarum, the military standard used by Constantine in his later wars against Licinius , showing the Chi-Rho sign. Those two accounts can hardly be reconciled with each other, though they have been merged in popular notion into Constantine seeing the Chi-Rho sign on the evening before the battle. Both authors agree that the sign was not readily understandable as denoting Christ, which corresponds with the fact that there is no certain evidence of the use of the letters chi and rho as a Christian sign before Constantine. Its first appearance is on a Constantinian silver coin from c. 317, which proves that Constantine did use the sign at that time, though not very prominently. He made extensive use of the Chi-Rho and the labarum only later in the conflict with Licinius. The vision has been interpreted in a solar context (e.g. as a solar halo phenomenon), which would have been reshaped to fit with the Christian beliefs of the later Constantine. An alternate explanation of the intersecting celestial symbol has been advanced by George Latura, which claims that Plato's visible god in Timaeus is in fact the intersection of the Milky Way and the Zodiacal Light, a rare apparition important to pagan beliefs that Christian bishops reinvented as a Christian symbol. Iconographic career under Constantine Coin of Vetranio , a soldier is holding two labara. Interestingly they differ from the labarum of Constantine in having the Chi-Rho depicted on the cloth rather than above it, and in having their staves decorated with phalerae as were earlier Roman military unit standards. The emperor Honorius holding a variant of the labarum - the Latin phrase on the cloth means "In the name of Christ [rendered by the Greek letters XPI] be ever victorious." Among a number of standards depicted on the Arch of Constantine , which was erected, largely with fragments from older monuments, just three years after the battle, the labarum does not appear. A grand opportunity for just the kind of political propaganda that the Arch otherwise was expressly built to present was missed. That is if Eusebius' oath-confirmed account of Constantine's sudden, vision-induced, conversion can be trusted. Many historians have argued that in the early years after the battle the emperor had not yet decided to give clear public support to Christianity, whether from a lack of personal faith or because of fear of religious friction. The arch's inscription does say that the Emperor had saved the res publica INSTINCTV DIVINITATIS MENTIS MAGNITVDINE ("by greatness of mind and by instinct [or impulse] of divinity"). As with his predecessors, sun symbolism – interpreted as representing Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun) or Helios , Apollo or Mithras – is inscribed on his coinage, but in 325 and thereafter the coinage ceases to be explicitly pagan, and Sol Invictus disappears. In his Historia Ecclesiae Eusebius further reports that, after his victorious entry into Rome, Constantine had a statue of himself erected, "holding the sign of the Savior [the cross] in his right hand." There are no other reports to confirm such a monument. Whether Constantine was the first Christian emperor supporting a peaceful transition to Christianity during his rule, or an undecided pagan believer until middle age, strongly influenced in his political-religious decisions by his Christian mother St. Helena , is still in dispute among historians. As for the labarum itself, there is little evidence for its use before 317.In the course of Constantine's second war against Licinius in 324, the latter developed a superstitious dread of Constantine's standard. During the attack of Constantine's troops at the Battle of Adrianople the guard of the labarum standard were directed to move it to any part of the field where his soldiers seemed to be faltering. The appearance of this talismanic object appeared to embolden Constantine's troops and dismay those of Licinius.At the final battle of the war, the Battle of Chrysopolis , Licinius, though prominently displaying the images of Rome's pagan pantheon on his own battle line, forbade his troops from actively attacking the labarum, or even looking at it directly.[16] Constantine felt that both Licinius and Arius were agents of Satan, and associated them with the serpent described in the Book of Revelation (12:9). Constantine represented Licinius as a snake on his coins. Eusebius stated that in addition to the singular labarum of Constantine, other similar standards (labara) were issued to the Roman army. This is confirmed by the two labara depicted being held by a soldier on a coin of Vetranio (illustrated) dating from 350. Flavius Arcadius (377/378–1 May 408) was Byzantine Emperor in the Eastern half of the Roman Empire from 395 until his death. // Arcadius was born in Hispania , the elder son of Theodosius I and Aelia Flaccilla , and brother of Honorius , who would become a Western Roman Emperor . His father declared him an Augustus and co-ruler for the Eastern half of the Empire in January, 383. His younger brother was also declared Augustus in 393, for the Western half. As emperors, Honorius was under the control of the Romanized Vandal magister militum Flavius Stilicho while Arcadius was dominated by one of his ministers, Rufinus . Stilicho is alleged by some to have wanted control of both emperors, and is supposed to have had Rufinus assassinated by Gothic mercenaries in 395; though definite proof of Stilicho's involvement in the assassination is lacking, the intense competition and political jealousies engendered by the two figures compose the main thread of the first part of Arcadius' reign. Arcadius' new advisor, the eunuch Eutropius , simply took Rufinus' place as the power behind the Eastern imperial throne. Arcadius was also dominated by his wife Aelia Eudoxia , who convinced her husband to dismiss Eutropius, who was holding the consulate, at the height of his power, in 399. That same year, on the 13th July, Arcadius issued an edict ordering that all remaining non-Christian temples should be immediately demolished . Eudoxia's influence was strongly opposed by John Chrysostom , the Patriarch of Constantinople , who felt that she had used her family's wealth to gain control over the emperor. Eudoxia used her influence to have Chrysostom deposed in 404, but she died later that year. Eudoxia gave to Arcadius four children: three daughters, Pulcheria , Arcadia and Marina, and one son, Theodosius, the future Emperor Theodosius II . Arcadius was dominated for the rest of his rule by Anthemius , the Praetorian Prefect , who made peace with Stilicho in the West. Arcadius himself was more concerned with appearing to be a pious Christian than he was with political or military matters, and he died, only nominally in control of his empire, in 408. Character and works In this reign of a weak emperor dominated by court politics, a major theme was the ambivalence felt by prominent individuals and the court parties that formed and regrouped round them towards barbarians , which in Constantinople at this period meant Goths . In the well-documented episode that revolved around Gainas , a number of Gothic foederati stationed in the capital were massacred, the survivors fleeing under the command of Gainas to Thrace , where they were tracked down by imperial troops and slaughtered and Gainas dispatched. The episode has been traditionally interpreted as a paroxysm of anti-barbarian reaction that served to stabilise the East. The main source for the affair is a mythology à clef by Synesius of Cyrene, Aegyptus sive de providentia, (400) an Egyptianising allegory that embodies a covert account of the events, the exact interpretation of which continues to baffle scholars. Synesius' De regno, which claims to be addressed to Arcadius himself, contains a tirade against Goths. A new forum was built in the name of Arcadius, on the seventh hill of Constantinople, the Xērolophos, in which a column was begun to commemorate his 'victory' over Gainas (although the column was only completed after Arcadius' death by Theodosius II ). The Pentelic marble portrait head of Arcadius (illustration) was discovered in Istanbul close to the Forum Tauri, in June 1949, in excavating foundations for new buildings of the University at Beyazit . The neck was designed to be inserted in a torso, but no statue, base or inscription was found. The diadem is a fillet with rows of pearls along its edges and a rectangular stone set about with pearls over the young emperor's forehead. The Principate Julio-Claudian dynasty Reign Incumbent Notes 16 January 27 BC to 19 August AD 14 Augustus 19 August 14 to 16 March 37 Tiberius 18 March 37 to 24 January 41 Caligula Murdered by Praetorian Guard 24 January 41 to 13 October 54 Claudius Poisoned by his wife Agrippina, mother of Nero 13 October 54 to 11 June 68 Nero Made a slave kill him Year of the Four Emperors (Civil War) Reign Incumbent Notes 8 June 68 to 15 January 69 Galba Murdered in favour of Otho 15 January 69 to 16 April 69 Otho Committed suicide 2 January 69 to 20 December 69 Vitellius Murdered in favour of Vespasian Flavian dynasty Reign Incumbent Notes 1 July 69 to 24 June 79 Vespasian 24 June 79 to 13 September 81 Titus Possibly assassinated by Domitian 14 September 81 to 18 September 96 Domitian Assassinated Nervan-Antonian dynasty Main article: Five Good Emperors Reign Incumbent Notes 18 September 96 to 27 January 98 Nerva Proclaimed emperor by senate 28 January 98 to 7 August 117 Trajan 11 August 117 to 10 July 138 Hadrian 10 July 138 to 7 March 161 Antoninus Pius 7 March 161 to 17 March 180 Marcus Aurelius 7 March 161 to March 169 Lucius Verus Co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius 175 Avidius Cassius Usurper; ruled in Egypt and Syria; murdered by his own army 177 to 31 December 192 Commodus Assassinated Year of the Five Emperors & Severan dynasty Reign Incumbent Notes 1 January 193 to 28 March 193 Pertinax Proclaimed emperor by senate; murdered by Praetorian Guard 28 March 193 to 1 June 193 Didius Julianus Proclaimed emperor by Praetorian Guard; executed on orders of the Senate 9 April 193 to 4 February 211 Septimius Severus Proclaimed emperor by Pannonian troops; accepted by senate 193 to 194/195 Pescennius Niger Proclaimed emperor by Syrian troops, defeated in battle by Septimius Severus 193/195 to 197 Clodius Albinus Proclaimed emperor by British troops, defeated in battle by Septimius Severus 198 to 8 April 217 Caracalla Assassinated at the behest of Macrinus 209 to 4 February 211 Geta Co-emperor with Caracalla ; assassinated on orders of Caracalla 11 April 217 to June 218 Macrinus Proclaimed himself emperor; executed on orders of Elagabalus May 217 to June 218 Diadumenian Junior co-emperor under Macrinus ; executed June 218 to 222 Elagabalus Proclaimed emperor by army; murdered by his own troops 13 March 222 to ?March 235 Alexander Severus Murdered by his own troops Rulers during the Crisis of the Third Century Reign Incumbent Notes February/March 235 to March/April 238 Maximinus Thrax Proclaimed emperor by the army; murdered by Praetorian Guard earlyJanuary/March 238 to lateJanuary/April 238 Gordian I Proclaimed emperor in Africa; committed suicide after Gordian II 's death earlyJanuary March 238 to lateJanuary/April 238 Gordian II Proclaimed emperor with Gordian I , killed in battle earlyFebruary 238 to earlyMay 238 Pupienus Proclaimed joint emperor by senate; murdered by Praetorian Guard earlyFebruary 238 to earlyMay 238 Balbinus Proclaimed joint emperor by senate; murdered by Praetorian Guard May 238 to February 244 Gordian III Nephew of Gordian II ; death unclear, probably murdered 240 Sabinianus Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor; defeated in battle February 244 to September/October 249 Philip the Arab Proclaimed emperor after death of Gordian III ; killed in battle by Decius 248 Pacatianus Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor; murdered by his own soldiers 248 to 249 Iotapianus Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor in the east; murdered by his own soldiers 248? or 253? Silbannacus Usurper; details essentially unknown 249 to June 251 Decius Killed in battle 249 to 252 Priscus Proclaimed himself emperor in the east in opposition to Decius 250 to 250 Licinianus Usurper; proclaimed emperor in Rome; rebellion suppressed early251 to June 251 Herennius Etruscus Junior co-emperor under Decius ; killed in battle 251 Hostilian Son of Decius ; died of plague June 251 to August 253 Gallus Proclaimed emperor by his troops after Decius's death; murdered by them in favour of Aemilianus July 251 to August 253 Volusianus Junior co-emperor under Gallus ; murdered by army August 253 to October 253 Aemilian Proclaimed emperor by his troops; murdered by them in favour of Valerian 253 to June 260 Valerian Proclaimed emperor by his troops; captured in battle by the Persians ; died in captivity 253 to September 268 Gallienus Junior co-emperor under Valerian to 260; probably murdered by his generals 260 Saloninus Son of Gallienus ; proclaimed emperor by army; murdered shortly after by troops of Postumus June 260 (or 258) Ingenuus Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor after Valerian 's capture; defeated in battle 260 Regalianus Usurper; proclaimed emperor after Ingenuus 's defeat; fate unclear 260 to 261 Macrianus Major Usurper; proclaimed emperor by eastern army; defeated and killed in battle 260 to 261 Macrianus Minor Usurper; son of Macrianus Major ; defeated and killed in battle 260 to 261 Quietus Usurper; son of Macrianus Major ; defeated and killed in battle 261 to 261 or 262 Mussius Aemilianus Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor after the defeat of the Macriani; defeated and executed 268 to 268 Aureolus Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor after Gallienus 's death; surrendered to Claudius II Gothicus ; murdered by Praetorian Guard 268 to August 270 Claudius II Gothicus Proclaimed emperor by the army August 270 to September 270 Quintillus Proclaimed himself emperor; cause of death unclear August 270 to 275 Aurelian Proclaimed emperor by army; murdered by the Praetorian Guard 271 to 271 Septimius Usurper; proclaimed emperor in Dalmatia ; killed by his own soldiers November/December 275 to July 276 Tacitus Appointed emperor by the Senate; possibly assassinated July 276 to September 276 Florianus Brother of Tacitus , proclaimed emperor by the western army; murdered by his troops July 276 to lateSeptember 282 Probus Proclaimed emperor by the eastern army; murdered by his own soldiers in favour of Carus 280 Julius Saturninus Usurper; proclaimed emperor by his troops; then killed by them 280 Proculus Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor at the request of the people of Lugdunum ; executed by Probus 280 Bonosus Usurper; proclaimed himself emperor; defeated by Probus and committed suicide September 282 to July/August 283 Carus Proclaimed emperor by Praetorian guard spring 283 to summer 285 Carinus Son of Carus; co-emperor with Numerian ; fate unclear July/August 283 to November 284 Numerian Son of Carus; co-emperor with Carinus ; probably murdered Gallic Empire 260 to 274 Reign Incumbent Notes 260 to 268 Postumus Declared himself emperor after Valerian 's death; killed by his own troops 268 to 268 Laelianus Proclaimed himself emperor in opposition to Postumus; defeated and killed by Postumus 269 to 269 Marius Proclaimed himself emperor after Postumus's death 269 to 271 Victorinus Proclaimed emperor after Marius's death 270 to 271 Domitianus Proclaimed himself emperor of the Gallic Empire 271 to 274 Tetricus I Nominated heir to Victorinus Britannic Empire 286 to 297 Reign Incumbent Notes 286 to 293 Carausius Declared himself emperor; assassinated by Allectus 293 to 297 Allectus Declared himself emperor after Carausius 's death; defeated by Constantius Chlorus Dominate Tetrarchy and Constantinian dynasty Reign Incumbent Notes 20 November 284 to 1 May 305 Diocletian Declared emperor by the army after Numerian's death; Abdicated 1 April 286 to 1 May 305 Maximian Made co-emperor ('Augustus') with Diocletian ; abdicated 1 May 305 to 25 July 306 Constantius I Chlorus Made junior co-emperor ('Caesar') under Maximian ; became Augustus after his abdication 1 May 305 to May 311 Galerius Made junior co-emperor ('Caesar') under Diocletian ; became Augustus after his abdication August 306 to 16 September 307 Severus II Made junior co-emperor ('Caesar') under Constantius Chlorus ; became Augustus after his death; executed by Maxentius 28 October 306 to 28 October 312 Maxentius Son of Maximian ; proclaimed Augustus by Praetorian Guard ; defeated in battle by Constantine I de jure: 307, de facto 312 to 22 May 337 Constantine I Son of Constantius Chlorus ; proclaimed Augustus by army 308 -309?/311? Domitius Alexander Proclaimed emperor in Africa; defeated in battle by Maxentius 11 November 308 to 18 September 324 Licinius Appointed Augustus by Galerius ; deposed by Constantine I and executed 1 May 311 to July/August 313 Maximinus Daia Made junior co-emperor ('Caesar') under Galerius ; became Augustus after his death; defeated in battle by Licinius and committed suicide December 316 to 1 March 317 Valerius Valens Appointed co-Augustus by Licinius ; executed by Licinius July to 18 September 324 Martinianus Appointed co-Augustus by Licinius ; deposed by Constantine I and executed 337 to 340 Constantine II Son of Constantine I ; co-emperor with his brothers; killed in battle 337 to 361 Constantius II Son of Constantine I ; co-emperor with his brothers 337 to 350 Constans I Son of Constantine I ; co-emperor with his brothers, killed by Magnentius January 350 to 11 August 353 Magnentius Usurper; proclaimed emperor by the army; defeated by Constantius II and committed suicide c. 350 Vetranio Proclaimed himself emperor against Magnentius ; recognized by Constantius II but then deposed c. 350 Nepotianus Proclaimed himself emperor against Magnentius , defeated and executed by Magnentius November 361 to June 363 Julian Cousin of Constantius II ; made Caesar by Constantius, then proclaimed Augustus by the army; killed in battle 363 to 17 February 364 Jovian Proclaimed emperor by the army after Julian 's death Valentinian dynasty Reign Incumbent Notes 26 February 364 to 17 November 375 Valentinian I Valentinian I Coins.htm Proclaimed emperor by the army after Jovian 's death 28 March 365 to 9 August 378 Valens Made co-emperor in the east by his brother Valentinian I ; killed in battle September 365 to 27 May 366 Procopius Usurper; Proclaimed himself emperor; defeated and executed by Valens 24 August 367 to 383 Gratian Gratian Coins.htm Son of Valentinian I ; assassinated 375 to 392 Valentinian II Valentinian II Coins.htm Son of Valentinian I ; deposed by Arbogast and died in suspicious circumstances 383 to 388 Magnus Maximus Magnus Maximus Coins.htm Usurper; proclaimed emperor by troops; at one time recognized by Theodosius I , but then deposed and executed c.386 to 388 Flavius Victor Flavius Victor Coins.htm Son of Magnus Maximus, executed on orders of Theodosius I 392 to 394 Eugenius Eugenius Coins.htm Usurper; proclaimed emperor by army under Arbogast ; defeated in battle by Theodosius I Theodosian dynasty Reign Incumbent Notes 379 to 17 January 395 Theodosius I Theodosius I Coins.htm Made co-emperor for the east by Gratian 383 to 408 EAST Arcadius Arcadius Coins.htm Appointed co-emperor with his father Theodosius I ; sole emperor for the east from January 395 23 January 393 to 15 August 423 WEST Honorius Honorius Coins.htm Appointed Augustus for the west by his father Theodosius I 407 to 411 WEST Constantine III Constantine III Coins.htm Usurper; proclaimed emperor in Britain; defeated by Constantius III 409 to 411 WEST Constans II Constans II Coins.htm Usurper; made emperor by his father Constantine III ; killed in battle 409 and 414 to 415 WEST Priscus Attalus Priscus Attalus Coins.htm Usurper; twice proclaimed emperor by Visigoths under Alaric and twice deposed by Honorius 409 to 411 WEST Maximus Maximus Coins.htm Usurper; proclaimed emperor in Spain; abdicated 411 to 413 WEST Jovinus Jovinus Coins.htm Usurper; proclaimed emperor after Constantine III 's death, executed by Honorius 412 to 413 WEST Sebastianus Sebastianus Coins.htm Usurper; appointed co-emperor by Jovinus , executed by Honorius 408 to 450 EAST Theodosius II Theodosius II Coins.htm Son of Arcadius 421 to 421 WEST Constantius III Constantius III Coins.htm Son-in-law of Theodosius I ; appointed co-emperor by Honorius 423 to 425 WEST Joannes Johannes Coins.htm Proclaimed western emperor, initially undisputed; defeated and executed by Theodosius II in favour of Valentinian III 425 to 16 March 455 WEST Valentinian III Valentinian III Coins.htm Son of Constantius III ; appointed emperor by Theodosius II ; assassinated Western Roman Empire Reign Incumbent Notes 17 March 455 to 31 May 455 Petronius Maximus Petronius Maximus Coins.htm Proclaimed himself emperor after Valentinian III 's death; murdered June 455 to 17 October 456 Avitus Avitus Coins.htm Proclaimed emperor by the Visigoth king Theoderic II ; deposed by Ricimer 457 to 2 August 461 Majorian Majorian Coins.htm Appointed by Ricimer ; deposed and executed by Ricimer 461 to 465 Libius Severus Libius Severus Coins.htm Appointed by Ricimer ; deposed and executed by Ricimer 12 April 467 to 11 July 472 Anthemius Anthemius Coins.htm Appointed by Ricimer ; deposed and executed by Ricimer July 472 to 2 November 472 Olybrius Olybrius Coins.htm Appointed by Ricimer 5 March 473 to June 474 Glycerius Glycerius Coins.htm Appointed by Gundobad ; deposed by Julius Nepos June 474 to 25 April 480 Julius Nepos Julius Nepos Coins.htm Appointed by eastern emperor Leo I ; deposed in Italy by Orestes in 475; continued to be recognised as lawful emperor in Gaul and Dalmatia until his murder in 480 31 October 475 to 4 September 476 Romulus Augustus (Romulus Augustulus) Romulus Augustus Coins.htm Son of Orestes ; deposed by Odoacer ; fate unknown Further information: Barbarian kings of Italy Eastern Roman Empire For the rulers of the Eastern Roman Empire (also known as the Byzantine Empire ) after Theodosius II , see: List of Byzantine Emperors Theodosian dynasty (395–457) See also: Theodosian dynasty Name Reign Comments Theodosius I "the Great" (Θεοδόσιος Α' ο Μέγας, Flavius Theodosius)Theodosius I Coins.htm 19 January 379 – 17 January 395 Born on 11 January 347. Aristocrat and military leader, brother-in-law of Gratian, who appointed him as emperor of the East. From 392 until his death sole Roman emperor Arcadius (Αρκάδιος, Flavius Arcadius)Arcadius Coins.htm 17 January 395 – 1 May 408 Born in 377/378, the eldest son of Theodosius I. Succeeded upon the death of his father Theodosius II (Θεοδόσιος Β', Flavius Theodosius) Theodosius II Coins.htm 1 May 408 – 28 July 450 Born on 10 April 401, the only son of Arcadius. Succeeded upon the death of his father. As a minor, the praetorian prefect Anthemius was regent in 408–414. He died in a riding accident Marcian (Μαρκιανός, Flavius Valerius Marcianus) Marcian Coins.htm 450 – January 457 Born in 396. A soldier and politician, he became emperor after being wed by the Augusta Pulcheria , Theodosius II's sister, following the latter's death. Died of gangrene Leonid dynasty (457–518) See also: House of Leo Name Reign Comments Leo I "the Thracian" (Λέων Α' ο Θράξ, Flavius Valerius Leo) Leo I Coins.htm 7 February 457 – 18 January 474 Born in Dacia in 401. A common soldier, he was chosen by Aspar , commander-in-chief of the army. Died of dysentery Leo II (Λέων Β', Flavius Leo) Leo II Coins.htm 18 January – 17 November 474 Born in 467, the grandson of Leo I. Succeeded upon the death of Leo I. Died of an unknown disease, possibly poisoned Zeno (Ζήνων, Flavius Zeno) Zeno Coins.htm 17 November 474 – 9 April 491 Born c.425 at Zenonopolis , Isauria , originally named Tarasicodissa. Son-in-law of Leo I, he was bypassed in the succession because of his barbarian origin. Named co-emperor by his son on 9 February 474, he succeeded upon the death of Leo II. Deposed by Basiliscus, brother-in-law of Leo, he fled to his native country and regained the throne in August 476. Basiliscus (Βασιλίσκος, Flavius Basiliscus) Basiliscus Coins.htm 9 January 475 – August 476 General and brother-in-law of Leo I, he seized power from Zeno but was again deposed by him. Died in 476/477 Anastasius I (Αναστάσιος Α', Flavius Anastasius) BYZANTINE - Anastasius Coins.htm 11 April 491 – 9 July 518 Born c. 430 at Dyrrhachium , Epirus nova . A palace official (silentiarius) and son-in-law of Leo I, he was chosen as emperor by empress-dowager Ariadne Justinian Dynasty Main article: Justinian Dynasty Portrait Name Born Reigned Succession Died Justin I FLAVIVS IVSTINVS AVGVSTVS c. 450 AD, Naissus July 9, 518 AD – August 1, 527 AD Commander of the palace guard under Anastasius I) ; elected as emperor with support of army August 1, 527 AD Natural causes Justinian I FLAVIVS PETRVS SABBATIVS IVSTINIANVS AVGVSTVS c. 482 AD, Tauresium , Dardania August 1, 527 AD – 13/14 November 565 AD Nephew and nominated heir of Justin I 13/14 November 565 AD Natural causes Justin II FLAVIVS IVSTINIVS IVNIOR AVGVSTVS c. 520 AD, ? 13/14 November 565 AD – 578 AD Nephew of Justinian I 578 AD Became insane; Tiberius II Constantine ruled as regent from December 574 and became emperor on Justin's death in 578 Frequently Asked Questions How long until my order is shipped?: Depending on the volume of sales, it may take up to 5 business days for shipment of your order after the receipt of payment. 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