Description: Yes we combine shipping for multiple purchases.Add multiple items to your cart and the combined shipping total will automatically be calculated. 2000 October Easyriders Motorcycle Magazine Biker Tattoo Special Myrtle Beach FEATURESFirst Things First9Todd Silicate’s way cool Rigid is onehigh Performance MachineThe Value of Work19The Biker Barter System works forNathan Shapiro's Denver's ChopBike of the Year........... 56Dennis Block’s awesome Prodigy bymaster builder Paul YaffeClassic Racked Hack 79Erick Feil's Award- winning 1948Panhead and sidehackWinner Takes All............99Eddie Trotta builds a long bike intime for Spring Break’Titan’s 2000 Sidewinder .146This twistie-lovin’ scoot is theloudest snake in the desertREADERS' RIDESDavid Hurley..............141and his '96 Special ConstructionDan Johnson...............142and his ’93 SoftailShawn Surek...............143and his ’77 FLUCheryl Corkum.............144and her’ 90 SportsterPLUS: 32-page Super Softail Spectacular!The wildest rides this side o’ hell.Cover photos: Paul Yaffes Prodi©' shot byMichael Eichler; Eddie Troua's long-ass Softailand Fox Hunt Winner Melanie shot by DonRogers. Special imaging by Daniel Ferguson.ARTICLESGypysy Leathers............89Michelle Fusco’s lavish leather goodsWhite Noise................ 94How stupid can ya get?Carefree Parking...........104A Biker’s Guide to findin’ your scootOpen Road Radio............107Where asphalt meets the airwavesI Believe___..................110More sick humor by Greg WhiteSomethin’ For Nothin’ Your cyber on-rampBuilding Choppers..........114Those days are not gone for goodTop Gun Airbrush...........118Canada's Air Force DesignSPECIAL FEATURESMyrtle Beach 2000 .........37Hey, don’t park youR bike here!Freedom In Florida45Throw those brain buckets away!Biker Tattoo Special50Demented dermagraphicsBiketoberfest Guide67More bang for your BratwurstSERVICE DEPARTMENTKeepin’ It Cool!..........129Make your motor live longerWrenchin' 102, Part 1jjqYour atlas to a moto-masterpiecePowder Perfect134J&P Giveaway Bike gets the treatmentDo It Hard...138Hard stainless steel oil linesDEPARTMENTSTaking It Easy.............3Wordmonger.................6Parts Box.................16Happenings................24Easynews..................27Tech Leiters.............. 48Passin’ Gas...............64In The Wind...............71Fox Hunt..................84Fox Hunt Winner...........99Bikers Bulletin Board....126 And much more!