

Description: WHEN THE MRE'S (MEALS READY TO EAT) AND CANNED GOODS ARE GONE YOU WILL HAVE TO BE SELF RELIANT AND GROW YOUR OWN FOOD. OUR HEIRLOOM, NON-HYBRID & NON-GMO SEEDS HERE AT VERNO HEIRLOOM SEEDS CAN LAST FOREVER. I GROW THE SAME SEEDS I SELL! 151 DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF HEIRLOOM GARDEN SEEDS!(56,000+Seeds)SEALED IN AN AIRTIGHT, MYLAR BAG FOR LONG TERM STORAGE!Color Of BAG May Vary! NON-HYBRID! NON-GMO! SURVIVAL/GARDEN SEED CACHE!INCLUDES:A MEDICINAL/CULINARY HERB SEED CACHE! (12,000+SEEDS) FOLKS, YOUR'RE NOT GOING TO FIND A MORE BALANCED OR BETTER PACKAGED SURVIVAL/GARDEN SEED PACKAGE THAN THIS! THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED BUYERS OWN & USE THIS PACKAGE! INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE YOU ARE GOING TO FIND 151 VARIETIES OF HEIRLOOM FRUIT, VEGGIE, AND HERB SEEDS PACKED IN THE PROPER QUANTITIES. YOUR SEEDS ARRIVE SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL, RESEALABLE POLY SEED PACKETS. GREAT FOR LONG TERM, AIRTIGHT AND MOISTURE PROOF STORAGE! THEY ARE THEN PACKAGED IN A LARGE RESEALABLE MYLAR PACKAGE..... For Long Term Storage! The Perfect Heirloom Survival / Garden Seed Package!******************* Use As Your Personal Survival Seed Vault Or Grow 'Em Now! All Of These Veggies Can Be Grown Year After Year! Never Buy Any Of These Veggies OR Seeds Again!Grow Thousands Of Pounds Of Nutrient Rich Food For Only Pennies Per Pound!Grow Your Own! Save Hundreds...Even Thousands Of Dollars On FOOD! In this sale you will be getting FRUIT, VEGGIE, & HERB seeds! 151 nutritious varieties. All of my seeds are heirloom, & open pollinated and all of my seeds are Non-Hybrid / Non-GMO!Seeds must be Non-Hybrid in order to save and replant year after year. My seeds are packaged in commercial FDA & USDA approved, RESEALABLE & HEAT SEALED POLY seed packets. All packets are clearly marked with an easy to read label!The individual seed packet labels contain all appropriate info on seeds contained within. All of my seeds are fresh and ready to plant or store for future use!Having these seeds is like having your own Personal Doomsday Seed Vault!This is a great selection of fruits and veggies with the proper number of seeds!MY SEEDS WILL STORE UP TO 3 YEARS OR SO AT ROOM TEMPERATUREAND MORE THAN DOUBLE TO TRIPLE THAT IN THE REFRIGERATOR OR FREEZER! BEYOND THAT I DON'T KNOW...I HAVE NEVER STORED SEEDS ANY LONGER! NOW TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT COMES IN THIS (56,000+SEED) PACKAGE!ASPARAGUS Mary Washington (60-75 Seeds)Standard garden variety. Years of selection have resulted in better production of larger, more tender stalks. Mature production begins three years from sowing seeds!BEANS Pinto (40-50 Seeds)All-time favorite of mine!Provider (40-50 Seeds)These beans are great for canning, freezing and drying! They have a very heavy yield BEETSDetroit Dark Red (200-250 Seeds)Quality canning and pickling beet. Robust flavor.BROCCOLI Waltham 29 (100-125 Seeds)Good in short season areas with cool nights. Slow bolting. BRUSSEL SPROUTS Long Island Improved (100-125 Seeds)Compact semi-erect plants produce a heavy set of firm sprouts.CABBAGEGolden Acre (100-125 Seeds)Very early. Suited for close spacing!Red Acre (100-125 Seeds)Popular Home Garden Variety!CANTALOUPE Edisto 47 (25-30 Seeds)Rind has a yellow cast when mature. Has coarse flesh and sweet distinct flavorHoney Dew Green (20-25 Seeds)Light green flesh and very sweet!.CARROT Danvers 126 (600-700 Seeds)Good yielder even in heavy soils.Chantenay Red Cored (600-700 Seeds)High yielding.CAULIFLOWERSnowball (50 Seeds)Widely adapted. Large leaves curl up for good head cover.CELERYUtah Tall (200 - 230)Rich in important nutrientsCOLLARDSVates (450-500 Seeds)Holds longer without bolting. Widely adapted. CORNTruckers Favorite Yellow or White (50-60 Seeds)Old time open pollinated favorite for home gardeners!COWPEACalifornia Black-Eye Pea (50-60 Seeds)This variety is a top yielding black-eye pea!CUCUMBERHomemade Pickles (25-35 Seeds)High quality pickling cuke and perfect for slicing. Semi-bush vine. Great to grow in small gardens! Boston Pickling (25-35 Seeds)Great Salad Cuke. KALERed Russian (1,500 Seeds)Extremely hardy, broad thick blue-gray-green plume-like leaves. Slightly frilled edges.Siberian (1,500 Seeds)Great Taste With Smooth Leaves. KOLHRABI Early Purple or White Vienna (1,200-1,500 Seeds) Great cooked or diced in a salad! LETTUCEButtercrunch (2,500 Seeds)Gourmet Salad Blend (2,500 Seeds)Black Seeded Simpson (2,500 Seeds)All three are popular varieties and easy to grow!MUSTARDFlorida Broadleaf (2,500 Seeds)Heavy producer and great tasting!OKRA Clemson Spineless (40-50 Seeds)Heavy yield potential.Pods keep color when cooked.!ONIONSpanish White or Yellow (40 - 50 Seeds)Very Cold Hardy!PARSNIPHarris Early Model (150-175 Seeds)Tender interior and fair size core. PEASSugar Ann Pea (40-50 Seeds)Exceptionally Tender and Sweet. Old Time Variety.PEPPERSCal Wonder Sweet Bell (25 Seeds)Jalapeno (25 Seeds)Both of these peppers are fantastic for processing and for the market! PUMPKINSSugar Pie (20-25 Seeds)Great For Pies & Soups.RADISH ChAMPION (225-250 Seeds)Great Variety And Very early producer.RUTABAGA American Purple Top (1,400 Seeds)Yellow flesh with even texture. Prolific leaves for greens.SPINACH Bloomsdale (300-350 Seeds)Very tender, makes a great salad!SQUASH Spaghetti (15 Seeds)Yellow Crookneck (15 Seeds)Both are must haves for any garden!SWISSCHARD Giant Fordhook (100 Seeds)Popular standard for home garden and fresh market. TOMATOBeefsteak (25 - 30 Seeds)Great Tasting Heirloom! Marglobe (25- 30 Seeds)Wonderful Heirloom Sauce Tomato! Roma (25 - 30 Seeds)Best Canning Tomato On The Market!Large Red Cherry (25 - 30 Seeds)Perfect Salad Tomato! TURNIP Purple Top White Globe (1,200-1,500 Seeds)Sweet flavor. Semi-erect, prolific greens.WATERMELONSugar Baby (25 - 30 Seeds)Very sweet! Great for home gardens and roadside markets!ZUCCHINIBlack Beauty (15 Seeds)A staple in every garden!!FREE HEIRLOOM MELON SEEDS INCLUDED!RECEIVE 25 EACH OF THE FOLLOWING TYPES HEIRLOOM MELON SEEDS! (1). PLANTERS JUMBO(2). HONEY ROCK (3). HALE'S BEST(4). HEARTS OF GOLD From Time To Time I May Have To Substitute One Type Of A Veggie Seed For Another! Always Same Quality!!!! Example: 50 Charleston Grey Watermelon Seeds For 50 Sugar Baby Watermelon Seeds.....Both Are Heirlooms!PLUS!(25-A) Broccoli Rabb (200-250 Seeds), Catskill Brussel Sprouts (100 - 125 Seeds), Early Jersey Cabbage (100 Seeds), Michihili Napa Cabbage (100-125 Seeds),Rainbow Blend Carrot (50 - 75 Seeds) National Pickling Cucumber (25-35 Seeds), Straight Eight Cucumber (25 - 30 Seeds), Jack B Little Pumpkin (15-20 Seeds),Black Beauty Eggplant (50-60 Seeds), Bouquet Dill Herb (100 Seeds) ,Leek (60 Seeds), Bibb Lettuce (1,200 Seeds), Iceberg Head Lettuce ( 50 Seeds), Parris Island Romaine Lettuce (1,200 Seeds), Tatsoi Mustard (600 Seeds), Evergreen Bunching Onion (200 Seeds), Hot Banana Pepper (25 Seeds), China White Pearl Radish (400-450 Seeds),Scarlet Radish (400-450 Seeds), Icicle Radish (200-250 Seeds),Staigh tneck Squash (30-40 Seeds), White Scallop Squash (25 - 30 seed), Red Swiss Chard (125-150 Seeds),Golden Ball Turnip (1,200-1,500 Seeds), Shogoin Turnip (1,200-1,500 Seeds),(10-A) Red Amaranth (200 Seeds), Copenhagen Cabbage (100-125 Seeds), Delicata Squash (15 Seeds),Curled Endive (400 Seeds), Rogue d' Hiver Lettuce (1,200 Seeds), Green Hubbard Squash (15 Seeds), Evergreen Bunching Onion (200 Seeds), Orange Bell Pepper (25 Seeds), Swt. Banana Pepper (25 Seeds),and Caraway Herb (100 Seeds).(10-B) Pak Choi Cabbage (200 Seeds), Scarlet Nantes Carrot (600-700 Seeds), Chervil Herb (100 Seeds), Long Purple Eggplant (50-60 Seeds), Batavian Endive (400 Seeds), Grand Rapids Lettuce (500 Seeds),Tom Thumb Lettuce (1,200 Seeds), Watermelon Radish (200 Seeds), Hailstone Radish (300 Seeds),and COCOZELLE Squash (15 Seeds).(10-C) Cinnamon Basil (100 Seeds), Calabrese Broccoli (50 Seeds), Brunswick Cabbage (60 Seeds),LS Cilantro (85 Seeds), Marketmore Cucumber (25- 35 Seeds), Crystal White Wax Onion (40- 50 Seeds), Red Rosie Lettuce (50 Seeds),French Breakfast Radish (225 Seeds),Giant Nobel Spinach (300 Seeds), and Acorn Squash (15 Seeds).(5-A) Cimmaron Red Lettuce (50 Seeds), Crisphead Lettuce (50 Seeds), Tokyo White Bunching Onions (40 - 50 Seeds),Congo Watermelon (20 -25 Seeds), and Daikon Radish (100 Seeds).Also Receive!!!25 Packets Of Heirloom Tomato Seeds.......Each Packet Contains 10-15 Seeds! PLUS! A 12,000+ SEED HERB CACHEGenovese Basil (500+ Seeds)Basil is more than just a culinary herb for herbalists. They use it to improve appetite and gently combat fatigue. Like other herbs in the mint family it is carminative and disinfectant. The fresh picked leaves make a stimulating and refreshing tea. Basil has also been used as an aphrodisiac, and for melancholy and depression.Long Island Mammoth Dill (800+ Seeds)Dill is Carminative, (eases gas pains, bloating and settles the stomach). Dill water is an old and effective remedy for colic in babies and is mildly antibacterial.Cilantro (85+ Seeds)Coriander been long valued in Ayurvedic medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties and has recently been studied for its cholesterol-lowering and effects and use in type 2 diabetes. It is also used in skin diseases, digestive disorders, and cough and cold remedies. Cilantro is the usual name for the leaf of the plant and is used in Asian, Mexican, Indian, Tex Mex, Caribbean, and North African cuisines.Catnip (500+ Seeds)Catnip teas have long been used in traditional herbal medicine to quell digestive disturbances, and help stimulate menstruation. A hot cup of catnip tea is excellent for colds, flu, or the infectious diseases of childhood (eg measles), because of its action in inducing sleep and producing perspiration without increasing the heat of the system. Catnip, is a potent sleep-inducer for humans. It soothes the nervous system and can safely help get a restless child off to sleep. Catnip calms without affecting you the next day. Italian Giant Parsley (400+ Seeds)Parsley is so familiar we often overlook it for more exotic plants, yet this attractive plate garnish is one of the most versatile medicinal plants around andis absolutely a must have in any well stocked herbal garden. Parsley herb is high in iron content and rich in vitamins A, B, C and trace minerals. Leaves, seeds, and root all have medicinal value in the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys, (gravel, stones, congestion, and jaundice) and for rheumatism, arthritis and sciatica.Oregano (1,550+ Seeds)Oregano has a very ancient reputation and has been used in both the kitchen and the sickroom since the time of the ancients. The Greeks used it extensively, both internally and externally as a remedy for narcotic poisons, convulsions and dropsy. Oregano oil and leaf are both strong herbal antibacterial agents due to the high thymol content. Externally, the dried leaves and tops may be applied in bags as a hot fomentation to painful swellings and rheumatism, as well as for colic. Oregano tea is a strong sedative and traditionally used to treat colds, fevers, and painful menstruation.Sage (75+ Seeds)Sage is an excellent and safe natural disinfectant. Most of it's antimicrobial properties are attributed to the volatile oil thujone. Sage tea was and still is primarily used as a gargle for sore throat and an aid to digestion. This classic culinary herb has a long tradition of healing and treating digestive ills.Marjoram (1,000+ Seeds)The medicinal qualities of the oil extracted from Sweet Marjoram - Oleum majoranae - are similar to that of the Wild Marjoram. On being kept, it assumes a solid form. It is used as an external application for sprains, bruises, etc., and also as an emmenagogue.Thyme (750+ Seeds)Thyme has primarily been used respiratory ailments for its infection-fighting and cough suppressive qualities. Thyme tea is an old time favorite cough, cold and hangover remedy, especially when sweetened with thyme honey.Lavender (150+ Seeds)In general lavender is used to relax muscle spasms anywhere in the body, and to relax the body in the presence of pain. Lavender is used as a cooling herb and anti-depressent. Lavender is especially suited for use in headaches. Lavender is traditionally used for sachets to place among linens and clothing as a perfume and as a moth repellent. Flies and mosquitoes dislike the fragrance of lavender, and the fresh cut flowers added to a summer vase, make both a beautiful and practical addition to your table.Wild Child Arugula - (700+ Seeds)A study by researchers shows that arugula can be used as an alternative to cure ulcers. Some scientists concluded that this herb possesses anti-ulcer effects as it reduces stomach acid secretion and meditate the activity of hormones. Arugula is a Mediterranean annual herb of the mustard family. It is a species of eruca native to the Mediterranean region, from morocco, Portugal east to Lebanon and Turkey. It has a rich and peppery taste and has an exceptionally strong flavor. It is often used in salads, and sometimes cooked with other vegetables for pasta sauces ormeats in Italy and other parts of world.PLUS: ANISE (300+ SEEDS), FENNEL (300+ SEEDS), HYSSOP (150+ SEEDS), CHIVES (200+ SEEDS), & SUMMER SAVORY (250+ SEEDS), WHITE YARROW (1,100+ SEEDS), CHAMOMILLE (1,500+ SEEDS), LEMON BALM (300+ SEEDS), ITALIAN LARGE LEAF BASIL (500+ SEEDS)!!!A Complete Medicinal-Culinary Herb Garden! From Time To Time I May Have To Substitute One Type Of A Veggie Seed For Another! Always Same Quality!!!!Example: 50 Charleston Grey Watermelon Seeds For 50 Sugar Baby Watermelon Seeds.....Both Are Heirlooms! ************** FREE SEED GIFT INCLUDED WITH ALL "ORDERS"! Payment Payment should be made within 3 days of purchase! Shipping All items are shipped using USPS. Terms of Sale Returns are accepted within 30 days of receiving item. About Us We are located in Central Kentucky and grow on a beautiful 120 acre farm. Contact Us Feel free to contact us at any time thru eBay.As a thank you for your business, we will send you a 5% Off Coupon to be used with your next purchase, if you leave a positive feedback (if you think we earned it). Again, thank you, we appreciate your business!!As a thank you for your business, we will send you a 5% Off Coupon to be used with your next purchase, if you leave a positive feedback (if you think we earned it). Again, thank you, we appreciate your business!!

Price: 119.99 USD

Location: Perryville, Kentucky

End Time: 2024-08-22T19:47:48.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images


Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Cultivating Difficulty: Moderate

Type: Vegetable Seeds

Features: Edible

Climate: Varies

Sunlight: Varies

MPN: n/a

Genus: Varies

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor & Outdoor

Common Name: Seed Survival Kit

Life Cycle: Varies

Brand: Heirloom Seed

Watering: Varies

Season of Interest: Varies


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PANSY MIX Heirloom Garden Viola Pollinators GroundCover Edible Non-GMO 200 Seeds


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30 Fairytale Pumpkin Seeds --- French Cooking Pumpkin -- NON GMO -- HEIRLOOM


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30+ Orange King Bell Pepper Seeds - Sweet - Heirloom - Organic - NON GMO - FRESH


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